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Exercise is something I have long tried to avoid and generally I have got away with very little, probably because I'm an ectomorph: someone who is lucky to stay thin most of the time.

Here's a simple explanation of the basic body types:



In my 30s long before I knew my body type I assumed I could change my thin physique to a stereotypical muscle bound male simply by working out like everyone else. Unfortunately that isn't how things are and despite inherent stamina, over the years my various efforts at exercise regimes rarely lasted more than a few months largely because I never saw any physical change.

In an attempt to keep with the regime I bought a cheap copy of a NordicTrak skiing machine and actually used it, but it only addressed a few muscle groups. 

The human body is a balanced machine and to assist the maintenance of this machine I needed to reach more muscle groups, so next I bought a multigym.

I used the gym to beef up my knees for my [Adventures: Ecuador Volcano Expedition] after my left knee locked up whilst descending Mt Kinabalu on my earlier [Borneo Adventure] but afterwards my bad habits returned and it got little use, except for a little strengthening prior to later adventures. I used the skiing machine longer but it eventually broke, never to be replaced.

Whilst my friends might have felt it necessary to regularly jog or perform warm-up exercises at the start of every day, I felt better if I lay down for a short rest. This and my inability to change my physique by conventional means are ectomorph traits I only discovered many years later, and my ignorance meant over many years I would forget the past, return to the gym, fail again, and repeat.

In 2010 I added an FP-3000R Fitness Plate with a useful built-in auto programme.

In 2019 I added a Sina rear drive elliptical cross trainer.


I have always had generally good health and inherent strength despite my thin frame, as my long arms give me great leverage. I also seem to age slower than others and in my 30s I could still pass myself off as a 20 something. Although tiring, I had no real problem summiting the 5200m Sangay volcano in my mid 40s, but a few years later I did begin to experience minor muscle issues, mostly spasms. After exploring various options I found an osteopath suited me best and I was able to carry on as normal. I rode motorcycles and horses which maintained a general level of fitness, but I never improved upon it.

Time slowly moved on and I passed into my 50s, and one day I punched a hole in my left bicep muscle trying to lift my partner over a bridge, a trivial task that would have come as second nature in the past: 20 years earlier I was lifting 300lb (136kg) motorcycle engines out of their frames, yet now I was struggling with more than 30lbs (~14kg). It took a good 6 months before my injury healed and the muscle grew back. Again I hit the gym, again I failed to improve and a few years later I ripped the right bicep too, with a similarly long healing time.

Now in my late 60s I still ride horses at the weekend but I no longer commute daily on a motorcycle, in fact I have turned into a dreaded Summer Biker. Unwittingly this has degraded my torso, neck, hand and foot muscles. Laziness is driving my tissue into age-related atrophy and my muscles are not as strong as I want or need them to be. I am more prone to aches and pains, although thankfully most are short-lived or postural and which I can usually self-treat: I had by now realised the body is a balanced machine and pain in one area is often due to a muscle in spasm at an opposing location. For instance, pain in my lower left back often occurs when a muscle is painfully tight in my left or right thigh; massaging that muscle until its pain decreases often also decreases the pain in my back.


However tissue is thinning with age and is becoming harder to treat; weakened muscles are exposing me to injuries and making recovery longer and harder. The time has come when I no longer have a choice and I must start and stick with a serious exercise regime to restore the muscles and ultimately my overall health so I can continue to enjoy life.  

Here now is the start of my plan to exercise for health, followed by its complementary diet plan.


A BBC News article derived from research on the human body clock by several UK universities suggests the best time to exercise is 3pm to 6pm:


I start my exercise at 3pm based on this.


When I first witnessed other people using weight machines, I noticed many of them sped through the process with rapid movements. I don't do this. Instead I move machines or weights slowly and steadily, as this taxes the muscles more and provides early feedback to reduce the risk of injury. I also hold the maximum position before relaxing, again to increase the load.


I find conventional warm-up and cool-down stretching tedious and initially I warmed up with a brisk 100m walk followed by a 1 mile jog up and down a nearby uphill track. I cool down by soaking in a hot bath.

In 2023 I added an inclining treadmill after I pulled a groin muscle stumbling on pebbles on the hill track jog, which I no longer do. The treadmill was expensive, but discounted by 50% as it was the previous year's model. It also makes winter jogging a lot more pleasant. Whilst running I carry a pair of 1.5kg dumbbells to intensify the workout.


I bought a NordicTrak Elite 1000 treadmill as it was from the same series as one a friend owned and highly recommended. I bought it from UK seller Sweatband who Unlike NordicTrak, provided superb customer service and I highly recommend them. A review gave it top marks: 

I have no interest in the internet-based training videos it can display via its iFIT feature, and instead bought it for its mechanical specification, namely a long 60" track for my equally long 36" legs, inclination selectable to 12% to mimic my outdoor track, a 3HP motor which NordicTrak described as significantly powerful, and from my friend's enthusiastic description, a high quality design.

What wasn't mentioned in the review is even if all you want is manual mode, you still have to wait a couple of minutes for it to boot up on its cheapo slow internal i-Pad to download the latest firmware / videos before it will allow manual mode to engage, as the physical buttons are disabled by the software.

The review says the menu software is easy to navigate. It isn't. It's slow and needs multiple clicks with long waits inbetween to reach basic functionality, and it is particularly tedious to select manual mode. When the screen finally depicts a basic circular track, there are no options and you are forced to endure its routine which always starts with a slow warm up lap (it doesn't remember the previous settings) and once it's going you can't reset the lap/time/distance counters without laboriously exiting and restarting manual mode. If I'd known it was going to be like this I would never have bought it.


I'm convinced NordicTrak deliberately made manual mode as unfriendly as possible in the hope you would give up and subscribe to the ludicrously expensive monthly subscription for the iFIT videos which seem to largely consist of an irritating person shouting at you to follow them on a run. I am also bitter I fell for another gotcha: the very name 'NordicTrak' implies a high quality Scandinavian state manufacturer. Not so, NordicTrak is American and this product appears to embody the low quality profit-driven public sector design ethos with which this country is now often associated.


This is evident when assembling it: at first I was puzzled when I found self-tap screws haphazardly and partially driven into the steel framework that seemed to have no purpose and which the instructions said remove, discard and replace with hex screws using the provided hex keys. This was impossible, as it then transpired the original screws were a cheap attempt to cut threads for the replacement screws, which:
a) didn't work as the self-taps were not driven in far enough,
b) were not hardened, so were incapable of creating threads in steel anyway, and
c) the amount of torque necessary to cut a thread into steel with a screw is beyond human hand strength.

Even the right angle hex keys are the wrong way around - the long end goes into the screw and you are supposed to grip the short end. The whole point of a hex key is you grip the long end to increase the torque on the screw. They can't even get basic mechanical principles right. I had to revert to using my own keys, and taps to create usable threads but being American the original threads are imperial, not common in the UK which like Scandinavia, uses the metric system.

Mechanical symmetry is poor too: the screws that secure the plastic covers onto the steel arm supports are a combination of three cheap self-tap screws each side, one into plastic (easy) and two into steel (impossible); I tapped them for M6 metric screws and fitted those instead, but When all are finally screwed in, uneven air gaps prevent the arm covers from correctly aligning with the display fascia.

When I finally came to use the treadmill I first had to wait almost 2 hours for the firmware to update itself despite a fast 100MBps internet and then found the 3HP motor slows down when you tread on the mat, and as there is no hardware feedback to the software (evident with the motor cover removed when it was repaired, see below), the actual times and distances recorded are inaccurate. I discovered my friend's £3500 top of the range NordicTrak treadmill does the exact same thing.

As for the running experience: the mat sounds tacky compared to treadmills I've used in gyms, with a hollow echo from each footstep on what sounds like a thin piece of hardwood (which it appears to be) accompanied by audible motor deceleration. NordicTrak's proudly declared 'cushioning system' is no more than three hidden basic springs supporting the hardwood each side.

The screen software is amateurish. During firmware download you get a huge expanse of unused white space with a single line of tiny letters a few millimetres high. When running, the characters are little larger and difficult to see when your head is bobbing up and down, hindered further by their light grey colour on a white background despite it being a full colour LCD. The fans are also deafeningly loud, further evidence of cheap, low quality parts.

It took almost two months for NordicTrak's service department to arrange for a completely different company to visit, diagnose, and replace a slipping front roller although how a brand new roller could do this is beyond me. This fault is completely unrelated to the motor slowing down, which still happens; I now know this is down to the supposedly powerful 3HP motor being a fraction of those found in gym treadmills.

Overall, a truly shoddy product that could so easily have been made much better had Nordic Trak shown any interest beyond profit. Yes, it functions. No, I do not recommend NordicTrak treadmills.


At home after the jog I hit the gym for 3 x 10 sets of 6 main arm, leg and chest muscle exercises. Next is 15 minutes on the cross trainer to bump the cardio rate back up, then 15 minutes on the power plate using its 4 Auto mode preset routines: standing straight, legs bent, tiptoes, arms/shoulders (kneeling).

Total ~2 hours.


I joined a fitness club for work away from home and I take advantage of the reduced rate off peak periods when there are fewer crowds at the machines or in the pool or the small wet steam room (good for the lungs, even better with an essential oil in the air) and the 'dry' sauna room (good for the heart).

At the club my routine is 1 mile running on an indoor track to warm up, followed by an hour or more of exercise machines, a half hour's swimming and finally 15 minutes each in the steam room and sauna.

Total ~2.5 hours.

Regardless of home or club, post workout I have Bulk Powders' Aftermath recovery protein shake within 45 minutes of completion. I have no affiliation to this brand. I selected it based on its ingredients which my independent research suggests are all healthy and safe for long term use. A 2-scoop portion contains:


Supplement                             Amount    Purpose
mTOR Protein Complex™                     40g    Increases cell growth & cell building blocks
Vitargo® carbohydrate                     22g    Quickly replenishes muscle glycogen energy
Glutamine Peptide muscle amino acid        5g    Synthesis protein for muscle recovery       
Creatine Monohydrate (Creapure®️)          ~7g    Intensifies energy to muscles
HMB metabolite of L-Leucine amino acid   1.5g    Muscle strength and recovery; muscle loss prevention

I sweat a lot when I'm running and I follow the shake with a couple of slices of pineapple, which is a great source of fluid and potassium, magnesium, and calcium electrolytes, also lost in sweat.

I leave at least a day between workouts.


Long before I discovered I am an ectomorph I realised I had the fortune of remaining slim largely regardless of what I ate although I've never been a compulsive eater. School and my parents fed me a conventional meat and veg diet which I assumed was ideal. When I left home and began to feed myself it was rarely as nutritious yet it didn't seem to harm. Despite my many indulgences of beer, burgers, pizzas and pies, over my 20s and 30s my weight rarely went above 12 stone (168lbs) which is a good compromise for my 6'4" height: [C27

I was much the same in my 40s, when breakfast was usually cheese on toast and a cup of 'Rocket Fuel' (ground coffee laced with Guarana), the works canteen provided an excellent lunch and delicious sweet, and dinner was any of the unhealthy choices from my 20s that I ate in front of the telly. Exercise has never been my thing but an hour's fast horse riding at the weekend kept me in reasonable shape and weekday motorcycle commuting also assisted in muscle maintenance.

By 50 I was aware my waistline had been subtly growing but it wasn't until I bought some new scales that I realised I was now over 13.5 stone (190lb). At this point food intake was more for hunger than enjoyment and although I had always shunned ready made meals as I have never liked the tons of salt they contain, food was less of an issue to me than whatever I was working on at the time. In fact I often had the same meal for days on end with the same level of enjoyment simply for the convenience of minimal shopping and cooking time. I had long thrown out the TV due to boredom (also saving the licence fee) and instead moved meals into my fledgling lab where I eat them to this day as a break to read the news.

It was clear I should at least alter my diet, and I changed breakfast to a bowl of Lidl Deluxe Really Nutty Muesli, still a firm favourite (I used full fat milk then, nowadays semi-skimmed organic), and I changed dinner to grilled tomatoes and breaded plaice (the only fish I liked) with petit pois, a meal I ate regularly for a good decade before finally tiring of it. Despite the less than healthy bread coating (but significantly better than greasy batter), it did return my weight to 12 stone.

Aware that my diet likely lacked many nutrients I started taking daily A-Z multi-vitamins and minerals. 


Caffeine now affects me adversely and I no longer drink tea or coffee. When I made this decision decaffeination involved toxic chemicals but natural methods are now available, e.g. the Swiss Water process: The availability of the latter-produced decaf in the UK and new research indicating the healthy benefits of coffee may entice me to resume coffee intake:  


For now, I prefer sparkling water which adds a bit of enjoyment to my meals. I have always been highly hydrated and about 1 litre per day is sufficient for me; any more and I have to get up several times at night to pee it out. The more times I get up in the night, the poorer the quality of my sleep which necessitates compromise, particularly as I have observed the more I drink, the more I want to drink, which is by habit rather than necessity.


Alcohol now severely affects my sleep by rapidly increasing my heartrate, meaning I can't get to sleep and when I finally do, I get poor sleep and the next day is ruined. The following night the heart is still going strong and I get another bad night until the third day when I'm back to normal. Alcohol noticeably degrades my eyesight the following day and its many other detrimental effects are well known. My body can no longer tolerate it and much as I still love beer, I have much reduced its intake.



The World Health Organisation came up with the 5-a-Day campaign that recommends a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables a day:

Researchers at Imperial College, London, later expanded this to 10-a-Day:


The NHS clarifies the WHO 5-a-Day guide: daily fruit and veg should amount to about 80g and should make up about 1/3 of a day's food.

Consume dried fruit than you would of full fruit, with portions limited to 30g to counter sugar content.

NHS RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) for adults:

Protein   Carbs   Sugar  Fat    Satfat   Fibre   Salt   kcal    kJ

50g       260g    90g    70g    20g      30g     6g     2000    8400

The Mediterranean diet has long been fêted as beneficial; it contains a little of everything, which must surely be the ideal promotion of a balanced diet. However oily foods don't work with my stomach (even super fruit avocados make me feel queasy) and I don't like the flavours of olive oil or vinegar.


In 2018 I went to a Rolling Stones concert and was amazed how agile 72 year old Mick Jagger seemed. This prompted me to Google his diet regime (everything is organic and it includes avocados):

I realised his diet matched his lifestyle and I would have to come up with one that matched mine. I would love all of my food to be organic but it's difficult to achieve this in UK supermarkets, and I get what I can.


Being naturally slim, rather than the more common calorie-controlled diet I chose a nutrition based alternative largely determined by moderation of saturated fat, sugar and salt in compliance with the UK's NHS guidelines:

In the UK food manufacturers are legally required to publish this information on the packet, and it is a relatively simple task to calculate the values. I looked at every fruit and vegetable I like, readily available (season-dependent) in UK supermarkets and Googled their benefits and nutrition content.


It wasn't long before I hit numerous websites claiming each was proven to be of benefit to certain cancers. At first I thought to base my choice on these until it occurred to me cancer still has no known remedy and these opinions are all probably hearsay.

I collated all of my research in an Excel spreadsheet below, prices are UK 2018.


These figures are for normal everyday living but any exercise routine needs food for muscles, so I revised the protein content. Again Googling, I found a general rule of thumb is around 1g/lb of body weight. For my ideal weight of 12 stone (avoirdupois 168lbs/76kg) this is 168 grams.

This rule of thumb may have been derived from the following 2007 paper:

'Protein intakes of 1.4 – 2.0g/kg/day [0.64 - 0.91g/lb/day] for physically active individuals is not only safe, but may improve the training adaptations to exercise training.'

This BMR (Body Metabolic Rate) calculator can be used to determine the amount of protein required:

Found here:


There has been much discussion of how often food should be consumed. Historically 3 meals a day was the established routine with US nutritionist Adele Davis' seemingly logical improvement: 'Eat breakfast like a king/queen, lunch like a prince / princess and dinner like a pauper', but the alternative option of multiple smaller meals is gaining ground and may offer some advantage for athletic performance:

Remembering an ectomorph benefits from a night time meal and having already revised my food intake beyond the conventional 3 a day, I added 4 extra meals: Brunch, Pre-workout/Afternoon, Post-workout and Bedtime, each spaced 2 hours apart except Brunch, which is 3 hours after Breakfast.


Since 2018 I have continually tweaked the diet. I started off with a mix of wild salmon (for the lowest Hg content) and chicken to meet protein levels followed by a spell of totally vegetarian with Omega-3 fish oil capsules in place of the salmon, but once I added a workout routine I struggled to meet the protein content and reinstated chicken. I also allow myself the odd treat.

In January 2024, the nutrition plan aims for 32g of protein being consumed 4 hours before the workout starting at 15:00, and for 60% of protein being consumed by 13:30.



As I grew older I investigated natural supplements and vitamins to complement and improve general muscle and tissue health and overall energy. I only consider those backed up by scientific papers, and I have included links to these. Many other benefits I discovered are listed in [What they don't tell you].


Initially I had a largely vegetarian diet which can result in deficiencies of calcium, iron, Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, vitamin D and zinc, all of which I reinstated, and they remain even though chicken is now back in.


In 2023 whilst researching ways of improving physical health using supplements. I came across a website hosted by Bryan Johnson, a tech billionaire who had spent the past 2 years devoting himself to exploring ways to extend his lifetime by reversing the aging process. I have no interest in living forever but I do want to improve the quality of my physique; no one wants to live long in decrepitude. He's had some successes and he's put all of his research into the public domain under his Blueprint Protocol webpage:


People often scoff at his achievements but I recognised many of the vitamins and supplements I too researched and earmarked as potentially effective, far from the many fraudulent claims on the internet.



One benefit of my visit to Bryan Johnson's website was his comment 'we have had some success with this formula' regarding Polish company GR-7's No Grey Hair product. Hair colour may only be vanity but I have never used hair colourant and having observed the ammonia given off applying it to others' hair, I have no wish to poison my hair with it. No matter what people say of Bryan, I find him totally genuine, and having tried this product, I can report it actually works (for me at least). I had reached the point where I was pulling out more greys than hair; now I rarely notice any greys at all. It's a totally natural remedy that restores the function of melanin that declines with age, stress, etc. Melanin in hair roots determines hair pigmentation.


Bryan's own intake of vitamins and supplements is far too big for me both in terms of cost and effort. Instead I have settled on a few that I selected independently to target my personal needs and similarly centred around naturally reversing or reducing decline through ageing. Like Bryan, I am running a trial.


Several of these combine to boost their effects. For instance Co-Enzyme Q10 is better absorbed with oil and I take it with Omega-3. Collagen is better absorbed with Vitamin C, as is lutein, a crucial antioxidant for eye health, and iron I am taking that may improve the fatigue I have felt ever increasingly since my 30s but never nailed the cause. Poor sleep may be something to do with it as up until my 60s I was a night owl and usually only slept for 6 hours despite having a comfortable bed in a bedroom with permanent dark blinds in a very quiet neighbourhood. 


'The GR-7 Anti Hair Loss Lotion is designed to slow and eventually stop hair loss while encouraging the growth of new and stronger hair.' I am more fortunate than most at my age but unsurprisingly my hair is also thinning and based on the success of 'No Grey Hair' I trialled this too, along with their complementary 'Complex Hair Support' dietary supplement. GR-7 says it can take up to 6 months for best results so when some discounts were announced I bought a 6 month supply of both. After 6 months use I have to say I could not see any difference from either. They might work for someone else but they don't appear do anything for me.


















GR-7 Complex Hair Support NO EFFECT OBSERVED, intake stopped after 6 months

Bamboo shoot extract (Bambusa vulgaris) [70% silica]   Hair thickness, scalp blood circulate
Copper (copper gluconate)                              Boosts collagen, red blood cells
L-cysteine (L-cysteine hydrochloride)                  Hair growth, DNA damage reversal
Nettle leaf extract (Urtica dioica) [4% polyphenols]   Strengthens hair, bladder health
MethylSulfonylMethane (MSM)                            Hair accelerant, thickener, healing 
PhosphaMAX Novastell Phosphatidic Acid                 Hair accelerant, thickener, muscles

Vitamin A  (retinol acetate)                           Hair health, eyes, teeth, skin
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride)                  Follicle stimulant, brain, immunity

Vitamin B7 (D-Biotin)                                  Strong hair, nails, skin, Metabolism
Vitamin D  (cholecalciferol)                           Follicle stimulant, bones, teeth
Saw palmetto fruit extract (Serenoa repens)            Hair regrowth, p
rostate health
Selenium (L-selenomethionine) Selenium SeLECT® 5000    Hair growth, thyroid, heart, immunity


I sleep better if I eat something before bed, normally frowned upon by fitness fanatics, but it seems this is normal for an endomorph as it prevents catabolism, the inverse of metabolism. I now have bedtime muesli with milk and additional almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts, and a zinc capsule, all high in, or catalysts of melatonin which induces sleep. These days I am in bed long before midnight and I sleep longer than before, knocking the age trend of reduced sleep. A good reason for enforcing early nights is if I'm awake beyond midnight the next day I suffer from noisy tinnitus, sadly always present these days, but with an early night the level is usually low enough to ignore.



Co-enzyme Q10 + Vitamin B1 - PAUSED

'Here, we review the current knowledge of CoQ10 biosynthesis and primary CoQ10 deficiency syndrome, and have collected published results from clinical trials based on CoQ10 supplementation. There is evidence that supplementation positively affects mitochondrial deficiency syndrome and the symptoms of aging based mainly on improvements in bioenergetics. Cardiovascular disease and inflammation are alleviated by the antioxidant effect of CoQ10.'

March 2024: CoQ10 suspected cause of eye disfunction (zig zag arc pattern, similar to same issue I had due to lack of salt in 2003 Oz heatwave) and I stopped the Co-Q10. At some point I'll restart Q10 to confirm this either way.


Leucine has been reported to counteract muscle loss with aging

Supplemental Collagen has been proven to benefit skin elasticity. 

'Some 28 types of collagen types have been identified. The main five types of collagen are:
Type   I 90% of body’s collagen, densely packed to structure skin, bones, tendons & ligaments.
Type  II found in elastic cartilage, which provides joint support.
Type III found in muscles, arteries and organs.
Type  IV found in the layers of skin.
Type   V found in the cornea of eyes, some layers of skin, hair and tissue of the placenta.'

'There are two main types of collagen dietary supplements:
1. Hydrolyzed collagen (also called collagen peptides or collagen hydrolysate). This type of collagen is easier for your body to absorb and use. It can come from a variety of animal sources, including hides, hooves, bones and scales from cows, pigs or fish. The quality depends on how it's processed.
2. Undenatured type II collagen (UC-II). Undenatured collagen hasn’t been broken down or exposed to heat, acids and enzymes. It’s almost always derived from chicken breastbone cartilage'.

Hydrolyzed type I collagen - YES 3g, TRIALING THIS NOW.
'The findings of this [26-APR-23] study revealed that HC supplementation can improve skin hydration and elasticity. In addition, the long-term use of collagen yields more favorable effects on skin hydration and elasticity than the short-term use of collagen. Nevertheless, large-scale randomized control trials are required to examine the clinical benefits of oral collagen supplements.


Undenatured type II collagen (UC-II) I WILL TRY THIS.
My parents suffered from rheumatoid arthritis that painfully distorted their fingers in their old age. I now notice my finger joints are becoming uncomfortably stiff. This may not be arthritis as they improve when heated, but I want to avoid the same thing happening to me.


'In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease where the immune system mistakes cartilage for a foreign substance and therefore attacks, causing inflammation, swelling and pain. A few small studies have shown that a specific form of chicken collagen administered orally over a few months can result in improvement of symptoms. The proposed explanation is that this “teaches” the immune system to tolerate collagen thereby preventing it from attacking cartilage'.

The above 2019 article by Mcgill also rubbishes the claim that collagen supplements improve skin elasticity however the 2023 paper above refutes this, hence my trials of both.

Vitamin B12 - YES (RDA 2.4μg) dose: 10μg. Added to counter depletion due to mostly vegetarian diet.
'Supplementing with vitamin B12 has been shown to improve dermatologic symptoms in people with B12 deficiency. However, it’s unclear whether taking a supplement has any impact on skin, nail strength, or hair health if you’re well-nourished and not deficient in this vitamin.',-skin,-and-nails

I can confirm Vitamin B12 affects nail health as I ran out out of it and about a week later I discovered my nails became brittle and began to splinter. Once I had obtained new supplies, my normal nail health was restored within a couple of days.


YES - Iron + Vitamin B5 + Vitamin B9 Vitamin C 'Feroglobin' commercial formulation.

The NHS RDA for men over 19 is 8.7mg

This does seem to improve my energy.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause fatigue, which I have long suffered from but I doubt I am deficient. However there is no harm taking the RDA as the body will only consume as much as it needs, although the NHS recommands not exceeding 2mg. I have added a 10μg supplement.

MSM (MethylSulfonylMethane), PAUSED (stopped me getting to sleep)  Naturally occurring in the body.

This also appears to improve my energy.


Calcium - YES, added to diet

As we age our calcium levels drop. The NHS RDA for anyone over 19 is 700mg. Zinc helps absorption.

I calculate my present diet goves me about 400mg a day so I am supplementing that with another 400mg.

Vitamin D - YES,(RDA 50µg) [GR-7].
'After having digested all the information, I come to the conclusion that popping a 1000 IU pill a day, “just for insurance,” is not a bad idea.'


Omega 3 fish oil - NO for mood, heart and general health. STOPPED

Supplement stopped after reading April 2024 paper that suggests fish oil supplements only work for those with existing heart disease and actually increase the risk of stroke by 5% and irregular heartbeat by 15% for those in good health: [H21]

This supplement will be replaced by adding wild salmon to the diet.

BPH is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland, commonly found in men over the age of 50. It has been known to cause Urine Tract Infection (UTI), normally a female affliction.,Complications%20of%20benign%20prostate%20enlargement,Serious%20complications%20are%20rare.

I suffered this unpleasant condition in 2022 and a routine ultrasound of my bladder unexpectedly revealed an enlarged prostate. Papers suggest a number of beneficial natural remedies:



For 3 months from March 2024, I am trialling a combination of Rye grass/corn/timothy flower pollen extract + Saw palmetto + Pumpkin seeds to contract an enlarged prostate. Initially Saw palmetto at dose 200mg was provided by GR-7 Complex Hair Support, thereafter 396mg, see change below:

Saw palmetto fruit extract (Serenoa repens) dose below, [was: GR-7 200mg].

[H17],'It is generally believed that Saw Palmetto prevents the conversion of testosterone to dihydroxytestoterone, a potent androgen that stimulates enlargement of the prostate.'

'A combination with a botanical or prescription drug that works via a different mechanism may provide additional symptomatic relief.'
'A double-blind, placebo controlled trial comparing a combination of flower pollen extract (378 mg), saw palmetto fruit standardized to 43% B-sitosterol (286mg) and vitamin E (100 IU)...There was a significant reduction in ...overall symptomatology. This combination therapy is logical since saw palmetto may have a different mechanism of action than that of flower pollen extract.

I replaced the GR-7 Saw palmetto with Viridian Standardised Saw Palmetto berry extract (45-50% free fatty acids and sterols) 150mg; Organic Saw Palmetto berry powder 132mg in a base of alfalfa, spirulina and bilberry, 3 a day.

The 'base' ingredients seem harmless:




Vitamin D (RDA 50µg) ADDED WHEN GR-7 Complex Hair Support STOPPED

Pumpkin seeds YES, dose 5g / 1 heaped tsp.

'Pumpkin seeds may help relieve symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a condition in which the prostate gland enlarges, causing problems with urination. Several studies in humans found that eating these seeds reduced symptoms associated with BPH.' 

Rye grass/corn/timothy flower pollen extract (manf: Graminex) Trial started  10/02/24.

Multiple outlets selling 'Graminex' mostly only include one grass and often not the coreect quantity. I purchased Polish brand Hepatica Prostaht 90 caps (3 capsules a day) based on German Prostaphil-2, containing 660mg rye (Secale cereale), 264mg timothy (Phleum pratense) and 13.2mg maize (Zea mays). I got a good deal from Polish eBay seller medpak_shop, whom I recommend.

[H17],'Graminex Flower Pollen Extract is a standardized extract of rye pollen (Secale cereale), corn pollen (Zea mays) and timothy pollen (Phleum pratense). The extract contains a blend of water-soluble and lipid-soluble fractions and is available around the world under other brand names such as Cernitin, and in capsule and tablet forms as Cernilton.'

'The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database concluded that rye grass pollen extract (Cernilton®) was “possibly effective” for the management of BPH symptoms, for shrinking prostate size and when used for prostatitis and prostatodynia.'

'Ueda et al treated 22 patients with stage I and II BPH with Cernilton® for over 4 weeks.
82% of the patients were rated as moderately improved or better.'

I am also keeping my eye open for a decent ultrasound scanner on eBay to track progress.

General comment:

nettle root / nettle leaf extract [GR-7].

Apparently nettle is good for UTIs but does not shrink the prostate:


Blueberries YESdose presently 20.
[H18]'These findings indicate that flavonoids from blueberry possess the ability to effectively decrease MMP (matrix metalloproteinases) activity, which may decrease overall ECM (extracellular matrix) degradation. This ability may be important in controlling tumor metastasis formation.'


The findings above are welcome but not the initial reason for its selection, which is:
'New research from King’s Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine has found that eating a handful of wild blueberries daily has health benefits, including lowered blood pressure, faster reaction time, and improved memory and brain cognition.',of%20polyphenols%20in%20healthy%20ageing.%E2%80%9D


My eyesight focus is deteriorating naturally due to age. In 2022 I had extensive eye tests following the appearance of a floater (the first I had seen) and was told my eyes are in excellent health. However the lens membrane hardens with age and I have observed what can only be the start of this. I am reluctant to undergo laser surgery as once that's done, there can be no return to a natural recovery process, and there are significant risks involved that surgery websites often omit.


I am hopeful a natural mechanism can be found to restore lens elasticity, and I am researching natural remedies.


Egg yolks - YES, added to diet.

'Yolks contain vitamin A, lutein, zeaxanthin, and zinc, which are all vital to eye health. Vitamin A safeguards the cornea. The cornea is the surface of the eye. Lutein and zeaxanthin lower the chance of getting serious eye conditions like age-related macular degeneration and cataracts'.,related%20macular%20degeneration%20and%20cataracts.

Oranges - YES added to diet in form of vitamin C supplement with bioflavonoids.

(Real oranges caused excess bloating when combined with Aftermath milk protein; see Pineapple)

[H20] 'People eating more than one orange a week are 92% less likely to develop macular degeneration.',to%20develop%20any%20macular%20degeneration

Tomatoes - YES, added to diet.,diet%20aimed%20at%20preserving%20vision

Pumpkin seeds - YES, added to diet, initially for BPH reduction (see above).

'Pumpkins are rich in zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A, lutein, and zeaxanthin, good for vision and health.'

Almonds, Hazelnuts, Walnuts, Sunflower seeds - (Vitamin E) - YES, added to diet.

Vitamin A (RDA 800µg) YES, already in diet & retinol acetate [GR-7].,preventable%20blindness%20in%20children%20worldwide.

Vitamin C - YES, already in diet but additional 1g supplement with flavonoids (see next para) for eyes.
'As long as you are eating the recommended serving of fruit or dark green vegetables per day (depending on your age and gender), you should be getting enough vitamin C to support your eye health'


'Many researchers however, feel you should consume significantly more vitamin C than the RDA [men 90mg].
E.g. 500mg was the daily dose of vitamin C used in studies that showed a reduced risk of cataracts.
'Because it is water-soluble, vitamin C is generally considered safe at high doses. Excess vitamin C is excreted in urine. However, doses greater than 2000mg per day may cause nausea and diarrhoea, as well as increase the risk of kidney stones','brocolli [has] 82mg [of vitamin C.]/cup'.


Oral α-glucosyl-hesperidin - YES, as citrus fruit bioflanonoids in Vitamin C.

Eyedrops exist but the 2020 paper [H16] indicates this topical route is highly diminished by the natural protective tissue over the eye and instead suggests oral consumption of enzyme α-glucosyl-hesperidin which was observed to have beneficial results in rodents. I am taking 1g Vitamin C with 20mg flavonoids and by chance includes 400mg rosehip extract also containing Vitamin C, and I see no harm in this. 

Zinc - YES, added to diet

Athough zinc is in nuts that I regularly consume, it helps calcium be absorbed and I am taking a calcium supplement, therefore to guarantee I have enough zinc I am also including it as a supplent.

The NHS RDA for anyone over 19 is 9.5mg

Copper - Yes, added to diet [GR-7]

'Reduced RPE [retinal pigment epithelium] and choroid complex zinc and copper levels in AMD [age-related macular degeneration] eyes combined with previous information that oral supplementation of zinc plus copper reduces the risk of progression of AMD suggests that metal homeostasis plays a role in AMD and in retinal health.

'Zinc is a component of retinol-binding protein, necessary for transporting vitamin A in the blood',(vitamin%20A)%20to%20retinal.

Olive Oil - NO, I have oil intolerance and dislike the flavour.
Olive Leaf Extract - PAUSED (gave me watery poo), tablets, dose: 90mg (30mg 3 times a day) 

Olive oil is touted as a modern elixir for good health, the main benefical ingredient being the anti-oxidant oleuropein which is found in higher quantities in olive leaves. Bing: 'Olives used for olive oil often undergo refinement, which reduces their oleuropein content. Even extra virgin olive oil may have lower oleuropein levels due to processing'. There is suggestion it lowers blood pressure and improves heart health. Given the proven benefit of olive oil, I am trialing olive leaf extract as an alternative.

Omega-3 fish oil - NO, supplement stopped after [H21]: increased risk of stroke & atrial fibrillation
This supplement will be replaced by adding wild salmon to the diet instead.

'Several studies suggest omega-3 fatty acids may help protect adult eyes from macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome. Essential fatty acids also may help proper drainage of intraocular fluid from the eye, decreasing the risk of high eye pressure and glaucoma.'

Quercetin (derived from capers) - NO, see side effects below:

Topical application of quercetin can help to improve ocular surface disorders of dry eye not only by decreasing the corneal surface irregularity but also by increasing the tear volume and goblet cell density. At doses greater than 1g per day, there have been reports of damage to the kidneys and other undesirable side effects including blurred vision, headaches and tingling in limbs:

Vitamin E - NO, as a Supplement, see side effects at bottom.

As an ingredient of almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds - Yes:

Vitamin E deficiency can weaken light receptors in the retina and other cells in the eye.,may%20be%20particularly%20at%20risk

High doses of Vitamin E can thin blood leading to potential stroke:

Coffee - TBD Swiss Water Process decaffeinated coffee under consideration.
A recent study suggests drinking 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day significantly reduces the effects or likelihood of developing bowel cancer: I used to drink coffee but no longer do this, largely due to an intolerance of caffeine, and de-caffeinated coffee at the time involved suspect carcinogenic chemicals. The Swiss Water process uses no chemicals, and thus processed coffee is available in the UK.


These are a nutural part of aging.


Pineapple - YES, dose: 2 cored rings (~100g)
Replaces the orange I originally added after training as the latter caused painful bloating after Aftermath milk protein. Bromelain from pineapple is suggested to dissolve eye floaters. Bromelain is also offered with Quercetin that treats dry eyes but significant side effects of the latter (see above) are best avoided. However the following informative article casts significant doubt on Bromelain: 'The idea that eating more pineapple could get rid of eye floaters comes from a study out of Taiwan published in 2019. It is a pilot study with no control group:'

'Eye floaters are bundles of collagen fibres that drift in liquid pockets inside our eyeballs and they tend to become more common with age','Fresh pineapple contains enzymes collectively known as bromelain that can digest collagen','the researchers thought, maybe eating pineapple chunks daily would allow the bromelain to digest the floaters','What is it doing to collagen elsewhere? This was not investigated.'

I'm not convinced it will work but I see no harm in adding pineapple to my diet as orange doesn't agree with my milk protein shake, and pineapple is univerally recognised as beneficial for the immune system.

Dark chocolate - YES

Papers indicate benefits. Organic and the higher cocoa content the better, no more than 20g a day. Avoid brands with heavy metal toxicity; Swiss Lindt and British Green & Black's Organic are on this list:

Kefir live yoghurt - NO

Originally I included 100ml of Kefir live yoghurt at breakfast because after the age of 60 my stools had hardened, a common condition at this age due to loss or reduced effectiveness of certain stomach enzymes. Kefir is considered beneficial for gut health, bones and immunity. Over the course of a month improvement was negligible and I then developed a sensation of nausea which turned out to be directly caused by the Kefir. Since the desired benefit was not achieved, I removed it from my diet. I have also found beer, prunes, apricots and figs that freed my bowels in earlier years, now have minimal effect.


At the end of October 2024 I found myself suffering very liquid stools accompanied by a excessive flatulence and a continual desire to poo. At first I thought I had a bug but soon it became apparent the symptoms worsened whenever I had consumed milk. It has also been the case for years that my saliva thickened after certain foods and milk had also seemed the culprit then. I removed milk from my diet over a couple of episodes and found it appeared to be the cause. Cheese doesn't seem to have a noticeable effect, and I had already largely cut out butter. i am now looking to modify the diet to remove milk products, and I need to ensure i get enough calcium.


In 2025 I am exploring the benefits of the following:

Size   RDA% Vitamin / Supplement    Known benefits (simplified)





























Collagen 3g (max 15g) Skin health

Iron capsules:

Iron                    Reduces fatigue, renews red blood cells, supports cognitive function

Vitamin B5              Red blood cells, sex/stress-related hormones in the adrenal glands
Vitamin B9              Heart health, supports normal cognition and balanced mood

MSM                     PAUSED Reduces fatigue, anti-inflammatry [also in GR-7]

Vitamin B12             Red blood cells, DNA functionality (reduced ageing effects), nails

Vitamin C + flavonoids  collagen & iron absorption, eyes, cartilage, bones, teeth, healing

Olive Leaf Extract      PAUSED 30mg 3 times a day (heart,)

Co-enzyme Q10 Ubiquinol PAUSED  Heart health, energy, improves damaged or aging skin

Vitamin B1 (included)   PAUSED Cellular energy


Calcium                 heart health via muscle contraction, bones, teeth

Zinc capsules           Hair growth, repair (veg diet top-up), calcium absorption

Vitamin D               General immunity                              

MY DIET TEMPLATE I try to eat these every day*:


1 cup









2 tsp








2 tbs


1 tsp

1 tsp


Breakfast All vitamins & supplements except GR-7 & zinc, plus:

Porridge oats + 1.5 cups water µwaved + milk to cool   Heart, gut (protein & carbs)

Blueberries                                            Brain, Memory, blood pressure


1 whole egg + 3 egg whites                             Muscle & retention; yolks: eyesight
Medium tomato                                          Eyesight, prostate

Fortified granary bread slice                          Heart

Chicken breast, skinless                               muscle, bone
Fortified granary bread slices + coleslaw              Heart + Vitamin K 


Apple                                                  Heart, lungs, gut, brain, skin

Aftermath Protein shake                                Muscle maintenance

Organic cacao powder added to shake                    Muscle, heart, brain, energy
Pineapple                                              Eyes, bones, cellular, electrolyte

Dinner (all of these veggies are associated with improved immunity):

Broccoli                                               Heart, brain, skin

Carrot                                                 Eyes, blood sugar & blood pressure

Leafy greens                                           Eyes, skin

Red onion                                              Bone density, inflammation

Runner beans                                           Metabolism, cell growth

Red cabbage     NEW ADDITION                           Eyes, bones, blood

Crucials burger sauce                                  Makes veggies yummy!


Muesli + almonds + hazelnuts + walnuts + milk + zinc   Sleep, heart, muscle, bones, hair

Pumpkin seeds                                          Sleep, prostate, eyes
Sunflower + linseed + flax seeds                       healing + gut + heart, blood

Milk organic semi skimmed                              Muscle, bones, teeth, eyes, energy

*To break the monotony there are occasional treats of homemade soup, fish, steak, curry, pizza and desserts e.g. fruit with ice cream. A varied diet is both physically and emotionally beneficial.

Wild salmon will be added in place of the more convenient but now halted Omega-3 fish oil supplement.

MY DIET NUTRITION (Optimum for 12 stone 6'4" workout = 168g protein)

                          Qty Equiv   Protein Carbs  Sugar  Fat   Satfat Fibre  Salt  Calories    Ref

08:00 Breakfast                       gram    gram   gram   gram  gram   gram   gram  kCal  kJ      #

Porridge with water      ½cup   50g    7.0    30.0    0.4    7.0   0.0    0.3   0.01  186  281      1

Kefir (5mg cholesterol)  1cup  100ml   3.3     7.1    5.5    2.6   4.5    0.0   0.09   65  274      2

Blueberries                20   40g    0.36    3.6    3.6    0.2   0.0    0.6   0.00   18   76      3

                    Breakfast Total   10.66   40.7   10.5    9.5   4.5    0.9   0.10  269  631

[kefir is now omitted (see above), but not yet subtracted from totals]

11:00 Brunch

Egg whites                  3   90g    9.8     0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0   0.37   43  182      4

Full egg organic            1    -     6.0     0.6    0.6    5.7   1.6    0.5   0.22   84  352      5

Tomato                      1   40g    0.3     1.2    1.2    0.1   0.0    0.3   0.01    8   34      6

Fortified granary slice     2   72g    7.4    33.4    2.4    1.8   0.6    2.6   0.74  184  778      7

                    Brunch    Total   21.5    35.2    4.2    7.6   1.9    3.4   1.36  319 1346

13:00 Lunch

Fortified granary slice     2   72g    7.4    33.4    2.4    1.8   0.6    2.6   0.74  256 1081      7

skinless chicken breast     1  200g   61.2     1.0    1.0    3.2   1.0    1.0   0.28  274 1164      8

Coleslaw                 1tbs   15g    0.1     1.0    0.8    1.3   0.1    0.1   0.03   33   65      9

                    Lunch     Total   68.7    35.4    4.2    6.3   1.7    3.7   1.05  563 2310     

14:50 Pre-workout/Afternoon
Royal Gala apple            1   80g    0.32    9.4    9.4    0.1   0.0    1.4   0.00   42  181     10

17:00 Post-workout/Eve    Qty Equiv   Protein Carbs  Sugar  Fat   Satfat Fibre  Salt  kCal  kJ

Aftermath shake scoops      2   70g   40.0    22.0    0.7    2.1   1.4    0.0   0.31  265 1125     11

Organic 100% cacao pwder 2tsp    8.4g  1.6     0.9    0.1    1.8   1.1    2.4   0.01   31  128     12  

Pineapple                   -  100g    0.3    12.2   12.2    0.0   0.0    0.5   0.00   51  217     13
                    Evening   Total   41.9    35.1   13.0    3.9   2.5    2.9   0.31  347 1470    

19:00 Dinner

Broccoli                    -   80g    3.4     2.5    1.4    0.5   0.2    2.0   0.02   32  134     14

Carrot                      1  125g    0.6     9.1    8.6    0.6   0.1    2.6   0.09   49  205     15

Leafy greens                -   80g    2.4     2.4    4.5    0.6   0.1    2.7   0.04   30  127     16

Red onion                   1  120g    1.2     9.1    7.1    0.6   0.1    1.3   0.01   46  191     17 

Runner beans stringless     4   80g    1.3     2.6    2.2    0.3   0.0    1.6   0.00   18   74     18

Red cabbage NOT YET SUMMED  1   80g    1.4     3.3    3.2    0.3   0.0    1.9   0.00   25  106     19 

Crucials burger sauce    2tbs   29g    0.3     3.5    3.0    8.0   0.6    0.2   0.39   87  447     20

                    Dinner    Total    9.2    29.2   26.8   10.6   1.1   10.4   0.55  262 1178

21:00 Bedtime

Muesli Lidl Really Nutty*   -  120g   11.3    73.4   22.9   11.4   1.8    9.0   0.04  206 1934     21  

semiskimmed organic milk 1cup  100ml   3.6     4.8    4.8    1.7   1.0    0.0   0.11   49  206     22

                    Bedtime   Total   14.9    78.2   27.7   13.1   2.8    9.0   0.15  255 2140

*Including extra nuts & seeds added  by me

                                      Protein Carbs  Sugar  Fat  Sat.fat Fibre  Salt  kCal  kJ

168g protein for workout    NHS RDA   50.0    260.0  90.0   70.0  20.0   30.0   6.0  2000 8400

                    Daily     Total  167.2    263.3  95.8   51.1  14.5   31.7   3.6  2057 9256


 # Refs






















kJ to kcal converter:

For mass gain, increase carbs:

'Eat sweet potatoes, white potatoes, grapes and porridge as well as chicken and broccoli.'

'Health and nutrition expert from the University of Edinburgh, Prof Lindsay Jaacks, says carbohydrates are of "critical" importance for exercise. "In the past on my high protein diet I had felt tired a lot. But suddenly on this high carb diet I had all this energy so I could train for longer and harder and I felt stronger."




Red light has been proven to offer many health benefits and I am interested in experimenting:

The following paper describes pictorially the cellular and molecular mechanisms associated with LLLT:


It is already proven a weekly 3-minute exposure at 8mW/cm² of 670nm dark red light to the eyes between 8am and 9am improves colour reception in ageing eyesight and I do this every Monday morning:
[H1] Weeklong improved colour contrasts sensitivity after single 670 nm exposures associated with enhanced mitochondrial function,

Of note - the cheap '670nm' torches flooding eBay China are rarely that wavelength; I bought a couple and found them to be 637nm & 641nm, totally useless. I bought 670nm LEDs and made my own,

'a person in their 60s has smaller pupils than a person in their 20s, making it harder to see in low-light conditions.'

Derived from:



It has already been proven that red light can promote hair regrowth (see below) and Bryan Johnson wears a $3k LD cap for this. However it might not matter whether expensive LDs or inexpensive LEDs are used.


[H2] Photobiomodulation (PBM) for the Management of Alopecia. This paper provides illustrations of follicle structure and alternative LLLT treatment devices together with extensive investigations of wavelength efficacy, together with a definition of LLLT PBM: 'The mechanism of LLLT in hair regrowth enhances the stimulation of mitochondria located in hair bulge stem cells, with cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) in the membrane of the mitochondria as the target chromophore of red light. This then leads to mitochondrial respiration, with reactive oxygen species (ROS) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to activate cellular proliferation, migration, and oxygenation, which consequently promote hair growth.7'

[H3] LLLT (Low Level Light Therapy) Hair Growth Devices Compared. 'absorption peak at 660nm 31 of CCO',
'Due to the very low power of LEDs (0.5mW/diode), compared to the appropriate [LD] dose of 2 to 4J/cm2, the results of LEDs could not be obviously concluded.30.

[H4] Photobiomodulation: Lasers vs. Light Emitting Diodes? 'nevertheless, some head-to-head studies, which compared both light sources, yielded no difference in their effects.28'

Further feedback in this article indicates some scanned LLLT devices performed slightly better. This may be because they covered more follicles; a LD has a narrow beam and when LDs are mounted in fixed positions there will be gaps between adjacent LDs. The argument for using LDs is they have more power, but the amount of power that can be safely shone at a head without damage is severely limited (remember sunburn?) and these days powerful LEDs are everywhere, therefore I don't see any argument for LDs over LEDs other than marketing hype. Mass produced low power LDs for LLLT (Low level Light Therapy) are cheap nowadays, thus I suspect LD based products are actually a price mark-up scam for the gullible.

I suspect all that is needed is uniform light intensity across the scalp, and a simple diffuser between some high power LEDS and the scalp should suffice. Ebay China offers 0.5W SMD 660nm + 850nm LED arrays on a flexible backing for back ache that may also work for hair provided they are indeed 660nm. However they are spaced very far apart (60 LEDs 255mm x 133mm) so this may be unworkable. Probably far better to source good 660nm LEDS and fabricate a compact, diffused carrier instead.


Hearing declines as we age:

My hearing has degraded over time and like Bryan Johnson I now have severe HF roll off, meaning I often confuse spoken words due to my inability to discern high frequencies. I also suffer from tinnitus. LLLT has been described as beneficial both to hearing loss and treatment of tinnitus. Below is a small sample of papers summarising clinical trials:



[H10] Efficacy of Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus: A Systematic Review...

      1 trial (650nm, 830nm): NONE,

[H11] Combined Central and Peripheral Stimulation for Treatment of Chronic Tinnitus...

      1 trial (808nm): POTENTIALLY, when combined with LF rTMS [magnetic field];

December 2023, eBay China is flooded with white Apple-like wired earphones purportedly containing bog-standard 650nm red LDs which conflict with the above. The ear canal (transmeatal) is not the best route as the target inner ear is obstructed by bones and tissue and does not follow a straight line. Unless a dangerously high intensity is employed, the typical 5mW source is unlikely to do anything.

A more effective route may be 830nm (based on LLLT for hearing loss, below) through the skull space cavity for, but outside the ear, or possibly below the jaw pointing up toward the inner canal or even orally within it however these would still have to go through bone. No paper mentions a jaw based route.

I would consider experimenting with low level 830nm below the jaw. How brain-safe is experimental rTMS?


[H12] The Effect of Low-Level Laser Therapy on Hearing
      1 trail  (532nm, 635nm): NONE, (the only trial based on humans)

[H13The Effect of Photobiomodulation on Hearing Loss: A Systematic Review 

      17 trials ([H12], 808nm, 810nm, 830nm, 908nm,): IMPROVEMENT observed 810nm-830nm

[H14] Low-Level Laser Therapy for Prevention of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Rats

      1 trial  (808nm): 165mW/cm² for 30 mins over 5 days: IMPROVEMENT reduced hearing loss in rats.

[H13] explains the relationship between red light and 'cytochrome c oxidase [CCO], a key protein in cellular metabolism and repair and one of three major proteins in the human body responding to near-IR'. This paper collates multiple trial results, revealing 'evidence suggests the wavelength with the highest potency of biomodulation is 800–830nm. This is likely due to the absorption spectrum of [CCO] which has a peak of 830nm'. 'Although [CCO] also absorbs strongly at wavelengths less than 630nm, this is within the visible light range and has a lower rate of tissue penetrance than wavelengths in the near-IR. Penetrance of lasers through the tympanic membrane and other tissue structures of the inner otic capsule [] is superior in the near IR range (780–1100nm).'


IOW anything below 810nm is unlikely to be of much benefit. 

Paper[H14] includes a CCO absorption graph with an absolute peak of 760nm for the 'relatively reduced CuB chromophore of [CCO]'. Other peaks are shown at 620nm, 680nm and 820nm, at odds with the papers above. 760nm provides the deepest tissue penetration and appears to be used for wound healing.

There may be some benefit in exploring low level (LED) 830nm over long periods for hearing loss, combined with a DIY pulsed magnetic field mimicking rTMS, which I assume works due to iron in blood.


TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation) has been described as offering successful treatment.

(2013) Effectiveness of transcutaneous electrical stimulation for chronic tinnitus, 'Response to electrical stimulation was best seen in patients with LF tinnitus and with mild hearing loss'.
Unfortunately I can only see the abstract and it doesn't describe the methodology.

(2018) Comparison of the effectiveness between transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, manual acupuncture, and electroacupuncture on tinnitus: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. This paper describes in detail 19 trials and provides photographs of the methodologies employed. TENS electrodes were placed on acupuncture needles precisely placed into muscles, beyond my ability.

(2019) A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation for Patients With Acute Tinnitus.This trial placed TENS either side of C2 vertebra (i.e. immediately below the skull). Given the sensitivity of damage to the nearby spinal cord I will not experiment with this.

(2022) Effectiveness of bimodal auditory and electrical stimulation in patients with tinnitus: A feasibility study, This paper describes in detail multiple trials involving TENS, starting with manipulation of the medial nerve that reduced tinnitus intensity in a few patients, leading into bimodal TENS (auditory and somatosensory) that increases effectiveness by combining different nerve pathways. [I think the latest variant is separate electrical connections between vertebrae C2 and the tongue}.
Again, I will not experimentally apply TENS to C2.

Although largely successful, the precision required and proximity to the spinal cord prohibits DIY experimentation and I shall return instead to experiment with LLLT.


My dental pockets are deeper than they should be. Bryan Johnson says he reversed his without surgery using Tea Tree oil (and Co-Q10 gel following deep cleaning. Publicised trials appear to back this up.

Paper [H5] Tea Tree Oil versus Chlorhexidine Mouthwash in Treatment of Gingivitis, indicates Tea Tree oil does indeed shrink dental pockets. Tee Tree Oil is highly toxic but this excellent paper describes
in detail how much to administer as a safe mouthwash. Commercial products exist, with added ingredients:

[H6] Comparative Evaluation of Efficacy of Topical and Intra-Sulcular Application of Co-enzyme Q10

[H7] A Comparative Evaluation of Topical and Intrasulcular Application of Co-enzyme Q10

Papers [H6][H7] indicate Co-Q10 applied topically significantly shrinks dental pockets. I'm not a dentist, but the word intrasulcular appears to mean the gap between the tooth and gum. [H6] compares topical and intrasulcular application. Unsurprisingly, the latter is more effective. [H7] describes the efficacy of commercial product Perio-Q gel, sold here:

although at $80 it's eye-wateringly expensive for just 5ml without the Co-Q10 quantity mentioned. Alternatives exist, e.g. this 5ml bottle with a stated 6mg of Co-Q10 per gram (I haven't tried it):

Paper [H8] Effectiveness of Co-Q10 Oral Supplements, suggests purely supplemental Co-Q10 does not appear to reduce pocket depth, but it does reduce oral inflammation.


Few LLLT papers exist that mention dental pockets, probably because dental knowledge and treatment hides behind large fees. However two instances mention 670nm, so I will experiment with this.

Implementation of Low-Level Laser Therapy in Dentistry: A Review, 'Lasers with a 670nm wavelength that are combined with conventional periodontal treatments lead to better treatment outcomes and shorter treatment times', IOW it heals quicker which must suggests there is less infection, which in turn suggests this will reduce pocket depth.!/

Low Level Laser Therapy in Periodontics - a Review, '670nm along with typical periodontal treatment result in betterment of treatment outcomes, as well as stability in treatment time'


Low-level Laser Therapy in the Oral Cavity: A Retrospection in the Future​, '3mW 632.8nm He-Ne laser more effective than 3mW 650nm LD [at reducing] pocket depth' but '70mW 780nm LD and 35mW 630nm laser [no effect on pocket depth]'.

DENTAL TREATMENT PLAN - Starting December 2023


In 1995 I lost a tooth due to an abscess from trapped white bread from soft salad rolls becoming stuck in my gum whilst working away from home on a contract. The tooth was replaced by an expensive implant. I then started using a toothpick after every meal and only eating brown bread which has a coarser grain than white bread and is less likely to become trapped.


Things settled down until the 00s when I began to suffer from a molar repeatedly getting infected on an almost yearly basis. My dentist suggested it might be due to a cracked root for which there is no cure. Often I found could stop the infection by using Corsodyl Chlorhexadine Gluconate mouthwash (CHX) but sometimes it needed an antibiotic. The last time this happened was January 2022.



I looked deeper into ways to improve dental hygiene and bought a Panasonic EW-1270 AA battery powered water flosser. Years later my new partner also wanted one but mine was no longer available. Instead a relative gave her a Hangsun HOC700 after she had said how good she thought it was, but like some reviewers of this product I'm not impressed. I've found the reservoir too big, its filling hole too small for UK taps, the high power setting too powerful and the low power setting not powerful enough. She has a valid point when she says my EW-1270 isn't powerful enough, but I'd rather protect my gums than abuse them. To add insult to injury it stopped working 9 months later, see [Other Repairs].

In 2024 I wanted a flosser on the [Montenegro Scientific Expedition] but didn't want to take my EW-1270 in case it got lost and I didn't want a USB one as I've had issues with embedded cheap polymer batteries quickly wearing out. Instead I bought the nearest equivalent, the AA battery powered Panasonic DJW-11.


This was not a good choice. For a start, the reservoir is too small and leaks, and whereas the batteries sensibly pop into the top outside of the EW-1270, on the DJW-11 they are installed upside down inside the water reservoir, which I only realised when I read the instructions. Up until this point I had a good impression of Panasonic as a generally sound manufacturer.


Only a lunatic would design this! Furthermore the bottom of the water reservoir is removable to insert batteries, another idiot design decision because I bet in no time it will wear and start to leak.


Not that this will make any difference because it already leaks: like the EW-1270, the reservoir is two sliding halves with an O-ring between them, allowing it to be stowed for travel. The reservoir lower half can be removed to insert batteries but after I did this I found the cheap silicone O-ring then leaked. Not only that, the motor is gutless. A workaround until I find a better alternative is to use Lithium AA batteries which arrive at ~1.8V when new instead of ~1.6V for Alkaline AAs. 


My partner on the other hand, was given a Hangsun HOC700 'Oral Irrigator' as a present that only lasted 9 months before it gave up the ghost due to poor waterproofing, see [Repairs: Other Repairs]

In 2023/24 I discovered CHX long-term use is not recommended as this can lead to a change in taste, an increase in tartar build-up and staining of the teeth and gums, and I looked for alternatives.


The Healthline website recommends 'pulling' coconut oil through teeth for 15 to 20 minutes before breakfast as trials suggest this is as effective at removing bacteria as CHX:

However I didn't think I could maintain a 20 minute procedure every morning. I found Tea Tree oil (TTO) use at Bryan Johnson's site and papers indicate it is as effective as CHX at reducing inflammation, albeit not as good at tartar removal. Initially I considered mixing my own TTO mouthwash using the dosage outlined in [H5] but this would be too imprecise with so many meals across the day, risking poisoning as TTO is toxic and should not be ingested.


Instead, I opted for Dr Atomic Tea Tree oil mouthwash which has multiple organic extracts including Aloe Vera (AV), proven to reduce pocket depth as it too reduces inflammation and tartar buildup.


[H9] Aloe Vera: Nature's Soothing Healer to Periodontal Disease.

I messaged Dr Atomic to ask the concentration of TTO and the difference between it and their separate Aloa Vera mouthwash that also contains TTO but was ignored. In April 2024 I booked an expensive deep clean (below gum scraping that requires a local anaesthetic) and started using Dr Atomic mouthwash on a daily basis. I set a regime of rinsing after eating anything sweet as sugar feeds bacteria, and when I got up for a pee in the night I rinsed then too as it would be counteractive doing this when I brushed my teeth at bedtime because I would lose the benefit of the fluorine in the toothpaste.

Bryan Johnson reported rubbing Coenzyme Q10 gel on his teeth at night contributed to reducing his dental pockets but commerical gel is outrageously expensive. Instead I decided to use supplement Co-Q10 which I had hoped would increase my energy levels and keep my skin in shape but found little benefit.


Now I found another use for it by cutting the end off and applying it to the intra-sulcular gap (unsure how to get it *into the gap) as it contains only Co-Q10 100mg + Vitamin B1 170µg (15% RDA). I did this at bedtime after brushing my teeth as eating daytime meals will dislodge it and the body heals at night.

January 2024: Co-Q10 gel STOPPED:

I experienced difficulty getting to sleep and the nightly Co-Q10 tooth rub may be the culprit so I stopped using it, instead returning to taking it as a supplement in the morning. Later I stopped this too when I experienced optical artefacts (still unproven if it was Co-Q10).



May 2024: Dr Atomic mouthwash regime STOPPED:

I suffered another infection of the suspect molar and was able to shut it down using CHX but the fact this happened at all suggests to me DrAtomic TTO/AV mouthwash is in fact useless.

June 2024: Add TTO to water flosser before use: THIS APPEARS TO WORK!


I obtained raw TTO and started dipping the end of a plastic toothpick into it and then into the filled water reservoir of my water flosser before using it on my teeth. This also seems to solve the question of how to get it *into the intra-sulcular gap below the gum line, as the pressure of the water appears to open up the gap in the process.

​SEPTEMBER 2024: My dentist at my yearly dental checkup confirmed my pocket depths have reduced overall by about 1mm and there is minimal if any sign of inflammation. They are now all typically 3mm to 4 mm deep with one top problem wisdom 6mm to 7 mm. I am hopeful the molar will no longer become infected.

I now dip the toothpick in the TTO and swirl it around the reservoir 4 times before each use. I  use the waterflosser morning and evening before brushing my teeth with a fluoride toothpaste, and after eating anything sweet or anything that might get trapped, such as seeds or nuts.


I investigated getting a new electric toothbrush. I found very little difference between countless USB variants, and the sky high prices seem to be aimed solely at those who have lots of money, a bit like people who pay millions for trash art in the hope it will be an investment but who at the same time cannot see the irony they are watering down the overall quality of art to everyone's loss. I decided to save my money and stay with my existing dumb Braun model.


1. Before breakfast: brush teeth with fluoride toothpaste
2. After breakfast/lunch/dinner/eating anything sweet: water Floss

3. Before bed: water Floss then brush teeth with fluoride toothpaste



I bought a Gymcline Atria fitness watch for less than a tenner on eBay and compared its heart rate and blood pressure measurements with my Japanese/UK A&D Medical Model UA-787 Plus blood pressure monitor:

The decription below is reproduced from this excellent explanatory webpage:

'A blood pressure (BP) reading consists of two numbers: systolic vs. diastolic pressure.

Systolic blood pressure is the top number and refers to the amount of pressure experienced by the arteries while the heart is beating.


Diastolic blood pressure is the bottom number and refers to the amount of pressure in the arteries while the heart is resting in between heartbeats.'

The average I got of 5 readings was:

Model          Pulse              Systolic mm/Hg        Diastolic mm/HG

A&D 767        68                 118                   76

Gymcline Aria  68                 118                   64 X

I only bought the Aria for pulse rate and I'm glad this seems to work well. I didn't expect the blood pressure feature to be accurate and Diastolic is indeed rubbish, but Systolic is surprisingly accurate.

The worst things are the awful touch button that only works half the time, the tiny screen, and the lack of some features in the absence of a smartphone that isn't mentioned as mandatory for their function.               


I bought a $35 Air Quality Monitor (AQM) from Ali-Express, manufacturer unknown, but the exact same model recommended by this Youtube review:

His earlier reviews revealed some AQMs are fake:

Full evidence at 48:40:

I bought the monitor because I am concerned about the amount of dust in my house in the optics lab, and also my bedroom where I have often woken with a blocked nose. Banning my use of talc (particularly after the Johnson & Johnson carcinogen scare although I didn't use their talc) greatly reduced this.

At the bottom of this page is a table showing acceptable clean room particle limits:,measure%20particle%20in%20the%20air.

The monitor does appear to work, but it does not measure the amount of dust in my house that is visible when I shake my bed duvet and shine a torch on it with the room light off. There are thousands of particles visible a few mm apart, but the monitor barely registers anything even if I waft it into it.

In my house most dust is larger than the largest PM10 setting on the monitor. This is perhaps unsurprising, as PM10 covers Particulate Matter no larger than 10µm. I suspect most of the things I'm seeing are small fibres probably approaching human hair width and a 100µm detector would be better.

COVID-19 virus:        0.14 - 0.06µm

Viruses:               0.1µm

90% of wood smoke:     1µm

The AQM can measure these:

Bacteria:              5µm
Talcum powder:        10µm

The AQM can't detect these:

Pollen:               15µm

Salt grain:           60µm
Average human hair:   70µm

Anything bigger

I now need an affordable way to measure particles >10µm so I can verify my methods to remove it work.
At the moment all I've got is a torch to shine at it. 


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