14. Links (Optics)
This section covers the following categories:
L - LIBS related
N - Nonlinear optics related
O - Optics related
Due to the prevalence of broken links, copies of documents (blue) are provided where possible
(see bottom of this page).
Italicised text / [square parentheses] are my notes / quotations
L1 Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Fundamentals & Applications,
A.Miziolek, V.Palleschi, I.Schechter, ISBN-13 978-0-521-85274-6 (HB) (CC), 2006
P.343: [for a multi-layer target] 'The ideal laser beam would have a “top-hat” profile and all of
the intensity of each succeeding laser shot would impinge on fresh surface at a new depth.'
L2 Handbook of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, 2006, D.Cremers, L.Radziemski, Wiley,
ISBN-13 978-0-470-09299-6 (HB), ISBN-10 0-470-09299-8 (HB) (CC)
Page 90: '3.6.2 Spectral Response Calibration' explains and provides equations for calibration of
instrumentation for detection of elements using LIBS.
L3 Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy edited by J.Singh, S.Thakur,
ISBN-13: 978-0444517340, ISBN-10: 0444517340, 11-Nov-07
Collates papers covering many LIBS enhancements in great detail, such as the effects of gasses and
pressures: page 71, '4.1.3 Ambient; The laser-induced plasma size, propagation speed, stability,
energy and emission properties depend strongly on the gas ambient into which the plasma
expands.'...'lower conductivity and specific heat of argon with respect to air.'...'at reduced
pressure of 100 torr, and intensity increase of 10 fold in argon and 2-3 fold in air was observed.
These observations were attributed to the fact that denser plasmas were found in Ar compared to
He [85: Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 1 (1981) 281, L.Radziemski, T.Loree].'
L4 Approach to Detection in Laser-Induced Breakdown spectroscopy,
M.Mueller, I.Gomushkin, S.Florek, D.Mory, U.Panne, Anal. Chem. 2007, 79, 4419-4426,
Federal Institute for Materials Testing (BAM), Berlin; Dept.Chem.,University of Florida;
ISAS Institute for Anal.Sci, Berlin; LTB Lasertechnik Berlin.
Compares a mechanical chopper wheel CCD with a MCP gated iCCD. The chopper t=0 start is used to
trigger the flash lamp, Q-switch and detector. Chopper Tr200ns min & 100ns jitter wrt laser pulse.
L5 Analysis and Identification of Solid Materials by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy,
A Comparative Study with Four Spectrometers [the Aryelle has a 10µs mechanical delay],
M.Rodriguez, I.Gornushkin, M.Tripathi, U.Heltmann, N.Omenetto, B.Smith, J.Winefordner,
University of Florida, Andor Technology USA, Institute for analytical sciences, Berlin, 04-Mar-12
L6 Laser Beam Profile Influence on LIBS Analytical Capabilities: Single vs. Multimode Beam,
V.Ledneva, S.Pershina, A.Bunkin, Wave Research Center at Prokhorov General Physics Institute,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
'Conclusions...Better sensitivity and limits of detection were achieved if multimode beam was used
as a laser source in case of single-spot sampling. For the multimode beam with energy equal to
Gaussian beam a degrading of analytical capabilities was observed.'
L7 Approach to Detection in Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy,
M.Mueller, I.Gornushkin, S.Florek, D.Mory, U.Panne, Analytical Chemistry 2007, 79, 4419-4426
Page 5: 'The CCD is used in combination with a mechanical chopper, which blocks the early continuum
radiation from the plasma.', 06-Jun-07 (CC)
L8 LIBS slideshow presented at Principles of and Recent Advances in Laser Micro/Nano Manufacturing
Processes June 2010, Evanston, IL, S.Rehse, Wayne State University, 31-May-10
Source of slide showing Bremsstrahlung dissipation timing.
L9 LIBS explained
L10 Stellarnet PORTA-LIBS system
L11 Plasma Processing XII, Publisher: Electrochemical Society Inc., Volume 98-4, Aug 1998,
G.Mathad, D.Misra, K.Bundaram,
ISBN-10: 1566771986, ISBN-13: 978-1566771986, book ref: 1241-532-TCZD (CC)
P.173 - equations for detection of atomic spectra reproduced in my Physics subsection, and:
'Plasma Chemistry monitor PCM403...with an intensified photo diode array (1000 diodes) detector...
Time for capture a single spectrum is 0.26sec.'.
L12 Resonance-Enhanced Laser-Induced Plasma Spectroscopy: Ambient Gas Effects,
S.Lui, N.Cheung, Department of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University, 23-Sep-03 (CC)
L13 Effect of Atmospheric Conditions on LIBS spectra,
A.Effenberger Jr, J.R.Scott, Idaho National Lab (INL), ID 83415-2208, USA, 14-May-10
L14 LIBS & Applications toward Thin Film Analysis, thesis, T.Owen, 2011
P.33: 'In an effort to homogenize the beams, a set of telescopic non-Gaussian optics were used in
conjunction with a beam expander...[with]...'a poorly maintained Nd:YAG'; 'beam expander and
beam shaper, require the use of 5-degree of freedom optical mounts. This system made using the
device very difficult...the system did not offer any beam homogenization.'
L15 Study of Feasibility of Laser Induced Spectroscopy for in-situ Characterization of Deposited
Layers in Fusion Devices, A.Huber, B.Schweer, V.Philipps, R.Leyte-Gonzales, N.Gierse, M.Zlobinski,
S.Brezinsek, V.Kotov, Ph.Mertens, U.Samm, U, G.Sergienko, Physica Scripta Journ, 014028, 10-Dec-11
Page says 2.5 tesla increases plasma by 1 magnitude.
L16 Tailored Ultrafast Pulses for Selective Energetic Residue Sampling
US Army Research Lab doc ARL-TN-311, 10-Apr-08
RELIPS using 50mW multi-line Ar laser and Ar gas gives 10% improvement in spectral intensity.
L17 Assessment of Laser Induced Ablation Spectroscopy (LIAS) as a method for quantitative in situ
surface diagnostic in plasma environments, thesis, N.Gierse, University of Cologne,
ISBN 978-3-89336-994-2, 27-May-14
L18 Practical Guide to ICP-MS: a Tutorial for Beginners, R.Thomas, ISBN 9780203027073
Chapter 17, page 182: 'shorter wavelength excimer lasers exhibit better elemental fractionation
characteristics...than the longer wavelength Nd:YAG design, because they produce smaller particles
that are easier to volatize.'; P.185, Fig.17-1: 'Craters produced with the 213nm laser system are
relatively round and symmetrical, whereas craters produced using the 266nm are more irregular...',
[but P.186 Fig.17-3 table suggests across all compounds, 213nm is actually superior to 193nm.]
L19 Laser Ablation Solid Sampling for Plasma Spectrochemistry, the Importance of Matching the Hardware
to the Application, L.Neufeld and J.Roy, Jan 2004. Page 14: 'The analytical advantages of
the 213nm Nd:YAG appeared to be similar to those afforded by the excimer 193nm laser...'
L20 Capabilities of a homogenized 266nm Nd:YAG laser ablation system for LA-ICP-MS,
M.Guillong I.Horn D.Gunther, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2002, 17, pages 8–14, 20-Nov-01 (CC)
P.14 'Conclusion...The time-resolved ablation signal structure is significantly improved by using a
homogeneous [flat top] energy density across the beam in comparison to Gaussian beam profile laser
ablation systems. The effect of elemental fractionation, which previously led to biased data for
fractionating elements such as Pb, Ni and Cu, is reduced...'
L21 Investigation of matrix effects in 193nm LA-ICP-MS analysis using reference glasses of different
transparencies, J.Czas, K.P.Jochum, B.Stoll, U.Weis, C.Yang, D.Jacob, M.Andreae, 16-Nov-12 (CC)
L22 Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), T.Jeffries,
Chap 7, P.341 (pdf P.29): '...a flat-top beam profile...is of particular importance in the
reduction of laser induced elemental fractionation', 03-Feb-05 (CC)
L23 A Comparison of 266nm, 213nm & 193nm produced from the same Nd:YAGLlaser for LA-ICP-MS,
M.Guillong, I.Hornb, D.Gunther, 29-Jul-03 (CC)
L24 Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, C.Pasquini, J.Cortez, L.Silva F.Gonzaga,
Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CP 6154 13084-971 Campinas-SP, Brazil
Definitive LIBS paper.
L25 LIPS Instrumentations, M.Sabsabi, Industrial Materials Institute, National Research Council,
Canada, 26-Apr-10. An excellent slideshow of LIBS techniques up to the published date.
L26 Enhancement of Nd:YAG LIBS Emission of a Remote Target Using a Simultaneous CO2 Laser Pulse,
D.Killinger1, S.Allen, R.Waterbury, C.Stefano, E.Dottery, 19-Sep-07
'We found that enhancements on the order of 25 to 300 could be obtained for the LIBS emission from
ceramic (alumina) targets. Laser pulse energy density on target was about 50mJ/mm² for both lasers'
L27 Double-Pulse Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in Orthogonal Beam Geometry to Enhance Line
EmissionIintensity from Agricultural Samples, 2017, G.Nicolodelli, G.Senesi, A.Ranulfi, B.Marangoni,
A.Watanabe, V.Benites, P.deOliveira, P. Villas-Boas, D.Milori, Brazil, 01-Apr-17 (CC).
This paper describes an orthogonal dual pulse LIBS system.
L28 Effects of Atmosphere on Laser Vaporization and Excitation Processes of Solid Samples, Y.Iida,
Spectrosc. Acta Pt. B-Atom. Spectr. 1990, 45, 1353-1367
L29 Thermodynamic and Spectroscopic Properties of Nd:YAG CO2 Double-Pulse Laser-Induced Iron Plasmas,
M.Weidman, S.Palanco, M.Baudelet, M.Richardson, CREOL, USA, 15-Dec-08
[Abbreviated] 'Nd:YAG laser 39mJ 5ns pulse, 4.7×10^9W/cm²; CO2 75mJ 100ns pulse with a 1µs long
tail, 30×10^6W/cm²'.'greatest signal enhancement 1µs after the beginning of the CO2 laser pulse.'
L30 Nd:YAG-CO2 Double-Pulse Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Organic Films,
M.Weidman, M.Baudelet, S.Palanco, M.Sigman, P.Dagdigian, M.Richardson, CREOL, USA, 12-Dec-09
[abbreviated] 'Nd:YAG 1064µm 5ns 17.5mJ focus 400µm, 2.8GW/cm²; TEA CO2 10.6µm 63mJ 100ns pulse
with 1µs long tail, spot diameter 1.2mm, 5MW/cm². 'longer wavelengths are more easily absorbed at
lower electron densities by inverse Bremsstrahlung process'. 'CO2 laser 500ns after Nd:YAG.
'LIBS emission enhancements with a factor of 25-300...have been reported using
multi-wavelength 1.064µm/10.6µm'.
L31 Dual Laser LIBS-LIDAR System with Higher SNR using Simultaneous CW-CO2 and Q-switched Nd: YAG Lasers
P.Parvin, A.Bavalir, S.Shoursheini, B.Sajad, Iran, Sep 2011
'Dual beam LIBS to increase SNR using 100W CW-CO2 to preheat target prior to 300mJ 10ns Nd:YAG.'
'20 times stronger signals respect to single shot for the target temperature up to 600K.'
L32 Enhancement of Nd:YAG LIBS Emission of a Remote Target using a Simultaneous CO2 Laser Pulse
D.Killinger1, S.Allen, R.Waterbury, C.Stefano, E.Dottery, 24-Sep-07
[Abbreviated] 'Nd:YAG 50mJ pulse focused to 1mm spot. CO2 100ns with 5μs nitrogen-fed tail and
40mJ/mm² for a 6.5mm diameter beam; enhancement of neutral atomic emission 25 to 60 times,
enhancement of ionized species 50 to 300 times'.
L33 LIBS Plasma Enhancement for Standoff Detection Applications,
D.Killinger, S.Allen, R.Waterbury, C.Stefano, E.Dottery, USA, 08-Apr-08
[abbreviated] 'Nd:YAG 50mJ 5ns pulse focused to 1mm spot; CO2 pulse 60mJ/mm²; Timing overlap of
1µs for enhancement to be observed; CO2 laser pulse 100ns spike, 5µs tail; Enhancement of neutral
atomic emission 5-20X, while enhancement of ionized species tended to be higher, 10-200X. We
attribute the increase to heating of the Nd:YAG plasma by the coincident CO2 laser.'
L34 Laser Beam Profile Influence on LIBS Analytical Capabilities: Single vs. Multimode Beam,
V.Ledneva, S.Pershina, A.Bunkina, Wave Research Center, J.Anal.At.Spectrom., 2010, 25, 1745–1757
Page 12: 'It was observed that despite 14 times lower energy for single mode beam a higher peak
fluence for Gaussian beam can be achieved at focal spot. If Gaussian and multimode beams have equal
energy than 20 times different fluence profiles was obtained. For multimode beam...fluence profile was very unstable at focal spot compared to Gaussian beam.';'Single mode laser beam is...preferable
for analysis because better precision can be achieved. However multimode laser beam should be
recommended to use for analysis of trace elements because of higher intensity of spectrum. Better
lateral resolution was observed for Gaussian beam and in combination with high reproduction of
crater formation this laser source should be recommended ...for chemical mapping applications.'
L35 Laser Beam Profile Influence on LIBS Analytical Capabilities: Single vs. Multimode Beam,
V.Ledneva, S.Pershina, A.Bunkina, Wave Research Center, Prokhorov Gen Phys Inst, Moscow, C14-Aug-13
'Laser crater profiles were measured with white light interferometer microscope (NewView 6200,
Zygo Corp.)'
L36 Laser Beam Profile Influence on LIBS Analytical Capabilities: Single vs. Multimode Beam,
V.Ledneva, S.Pershina, A.Bunkina, Wave Research Center, Prokhorov Gen Phys Inst, Moscow
Slideshow, 25 slides, LIBS2012, Luxor, Egypt, 30-Sep-12
Slide 18: 'Gaussian has good repeatability with precision vs multimode unpredictable beam profile
and equally unpredictable crater profile leading to self-induced instability'.
L37 Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: Fundamentals and Applications, R.Noll, 2012
ISBN 978-3-642-20667-2, Springer
Chap 7.1. 'A Gaussian beam profile of a laser source can be formed to a top hat profile by e.g.,
slightly focusing the beam on a 600µm pinhole which cuts off the outer part of the Gaussian beam and
leads to a near flat top beam. A disadvantage...is the loss of 95% of the burst energy.'
L38 Analysis of Solid Materials by LIBS, Thesis, T.Čtvrtníčková, Masaryk University, Brno, 2008 (CC)
Page 6: 'The ...pinhole...was proved to eliminate partially the tailing effects [P.126:'reduce the
contribution of emission light from the border of the plasma resulting from the crater edges'] and
improve thus the depth resolution.'; Page 116, 4.2: 'an optical restriction consisting of a pinhole
placed between the collecting lens and the entrance slit of the spectrograph'; Page 122: '...with
pinhole diameter larger than 3.5mm no evidence of...reduction of tailing effect was observed';
'Although the best result was obtained with the smallest pinhole diameter (0.5mm), a compromise
between microplasma signal coming to the spectrograph and restricting effect should be found.';
Page 126: 'The results demonstrate that the optimal pinhole inner diameter is of 1.5mm.';
Page 128: 'double-pulse with the restriction effect of pinhole can not lead to more improvement...
In orthogonal double pulse method the re-heating of the microplasma leads to spatial mixing of
particles in the microplasma.'
L39 Optical Restriction of Plasma Emission Light for Nanometric Sampling Depth and Depth Profiling of
Multilayered Metal Samples, Appl.Spec. Vol 61, No. 7, 2007, T.Ctvrtnickova , F. Fortres, L.Cabalin, J.Laserna, Dept of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Univ of Malaga, 29071 Malaga, Spain
Appears to be a paper based on thesis [L38].
L40 Capabilities of a Homogenized 266nm Nd:YAG Laser Ablation System for LA-ICP-MS,
M.Guillong, I.Horn, D.Gunther, ETH, Lab of Inorganic Chemistry, Zurich, Switzerland, 20-Nov-01
Page 1: 'A 266nm Nd:YAG...with homogenizer optics to...a "flat-top" laser profile is described';
Page 7: 'The time-resolved ablation signal structure is significantly improved by using a
homogeneous energy density across the beam in comparison to gaussian beam profile...
...The effect of elemental fractionation, which previously led to biased data for fractionating
elements such as Pb, Ni and Cu, is reduced.',
L41 Reproducibility of CIGS [Cu(In,Ga)Se2] Thin Film Analysis by LIBS, J.In, C.Kim, S.Lee, S.Jeong,
Korea, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2013, 28, 473, 05-Feb-13.
Includes useful equations for LIBS computation.
L42 Spectroscopic Investigations of Plasma Emission Induced During Laser Material Processing, 140pp,
D.Vallejo, 15-Jan-15. Page 29 shows a tophat converter mounted immediately below the focusing lens from a Nd:YAG for LIBS. It also mentions the spectrometer they used apparently didn't have a gate and its integration time only went down to 1ms making it impossible to capture 1kHz pulses.
L43 Laser Ablation in Analytical Chemistry - A Review LBNL-48521
R.Russo, X.Mao, H.Liu, J.Gonzalez, S.Mao, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA, 10-Oct-01
Page 7: 'Excimer lasers generally have ‘flat-top’ beam profiles. With appropriate imaging optics, both Nd:YAG and excimer lasers can generate flat-bottom craters (Figure 2). The shape of the crater walls will influence depth resolution and fractionation may increase with the development of the
ablation crater (31). However, the degree of fractionation is not strictly related to the beam
profile; fractionation is not eliminated by having a flat-top beam profile.
31. O.Borisov, X.Mao, R.Russo, Spectrochim. Acta, B 55 (2000) 1693.'
Page 47: 'Fig 2 [missing] White light interferometric microscope images...flat-top laser beam
profiles are capable of producing straight-wall craters in a wide range of materials' (4,32).
4. D. Günther, I.Horn, B.Hattendorf, Fres. J. Anal. Chem., 368 (2000) 4.
32. D. Bleiner, A.Plotnikov, C.Vogt, K.Wetzig, and D.Günther, Fres. J. Anal. Chem., 368 (2000) 221.'
L44 A Brief History of Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS),
P.Sylvester (Texas Tech University Geosciences Dept.),
S.Jackson (Inorganic Geochemistry Research Laboratory, Ottawa, Canada),
1811-5209/16/0012-0307$2.50 DOI: 10.2113/gselements.12.5.307, ELEMENTS, VOL.12 PP307–310 Oct 2016
advantages of many of the enhancement techniques I have investigated under my website section
Spectral Enhancements: Deep UV 213nm & 193nm; [implied] tophat beam; ionising gas [He not Ar]
and more: twin cell sampling chambers, automated positioning [already planned for my system], and
[implied] pico second pulsed lasers [beyond my budget]. Fig.2 is a graph of focusing spot reducing
over the years. My ideal choice of 20µm co-incides with the state of the art at publication.
L45 Gold Fineness Measurement using Single-Shot Spark Assisted Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy,
M.Habibpour, P.Parvin,R. Amrollahi, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Applied Optics, Vol.60, No.5, P.1099, 10-Feb-21
This paper describes a DIY HV spark-derived LIBS setup using a spectrometer with 0.4nm resolution:
'Avantes, AvaSpec 2048 spectrometer, 200–1100nm, 0.4nm precision, 300 lines/mm grating, 10µm slit.
Q-switched Nd:YAG laser 532nm, 10ns...externally triggered using an AvaTrigger to start signal
integration with a minimum delay 1.2µs and 1.1ms integration time. PIN diode EG&G FNT100 [FND100]
detects optical signal intensity through a lens. The fluctuations in laser energy are measured <8%.
A single shot peak power of ~6MW delivered ~15GW/cm2 at the sample surface for a 200µm dia. spot.'
[Q5a: 6MW x 10ns = 60mJ laser source]
L46 2022: DIY LIBS setup using a Nd:YAG tattoo laser, BW TEK BRC100 spectrometer and DIY LIBS software.
Analysis is by visually comparing captured spectrographs over NIST elemental library spectrographs.
For more details, see [Personal LIBS: The Beginning].
L47 Assessment of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy accuracy for determination of hydrogen
accumulation in tungsten, abstract: 'Under typical LIBS pulse parameters (109W/cm² for 12ns),
the error can be quite large, approximately 70%. We demonstrate that the error tends to decrease as
the laser pulse intensity increases.', E.Marenkova, I.Tsygvintsevb, Y.Gasparyana, A.Stepanenkoa,
Nuclear Materials and Energy, Volume 28, September 2021,101029
L48 Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) of Organic Compounds, J.Moros, J.Laserna,
September 2019 Applied Spectroscopy 73(9):963-1011, DOI:10.1177/0003702819853252, 2019
Abstract only: '...any change in any of the variables involved in the cycle of an organic plasma,
from those causing its formation to those governing its expansion, defines a new scenario that
lead to a different LIBS spectrum for a same organic compound.'
L49 Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) technique for determination of the chemical composition
of complex inorganic materials, L.Lazarek, A.Antonczak, M.Wojcik, P.Koziol, B.Stepak, K.Abramski,
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 9286, ISSN 0277-786X, EISSN 1996-756X, 2014
Abstract only: '...to calibrate the system, certified reference materials with known elemental
composition are used...due to differences in the overall composition...complex inorganic materials
can influence significantly on the accuracy. There are also some intermediate factors which can
cause imprecision in measurements, such as optical absorption, surface structure,
thermal conductivity etc.'
L50 Quantitative Micro-Analysis by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: a Review of the Experimental
Approaches, E.Tognoni, V.Palleschi, M.Corsi, G.Cristoforetti,
Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici, (IPCF) del CNR, Pisa, Italy, 21-Mar-02
UV & Torr; almost discredits UV & IR
L51 Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: A New Approach for Nanoparticle's Mapping and Quantification
in Organ Tissue, L.Sancey, V.Motto-Ros, S.Kotb, X.Wang, F.Lux, G.Panczer, J.Yu, O.Tillement,
JOVE (Journal Of Visualised Experiments), J Vis Exp. 2014; (88): 51353, Published online 18-Jun-14,
doi: 10.3791/51353. LIBS setup, timing and video with results.
N1 Nonlinear optics - Wikipedia
N2 Excellent description of NLOs and their properties, IL Photonics, 21-Apr-05
The following is a link to several documents at Il Photonics under this heading.
NOTE: If these link stop working, instead search for this heading:
Index of /Crystech - laser & NLO & EO crystals - optics - coatings/Crystals/Non_Linear_Crystals
These documents describe the characteristics of several NLOs, including hygroscopic sensitivity,
reproduced in [References: 4 Optical Materials] However see also [N4] below
Of these, [N2] refers to general document nlo.pdf which contains the NLO damage threshold table
reproduced in [References: 4 Optical Materials]
N3 Pockels cells explained
N4 Inrad phase φ & angle θ vs wavelength λ info for single crystal BBO NLOs, 01-Jun-15
[N2] above contains a link to file BBO.pdf that states 'BBO has a low susceptibility to moisture.
The user is advised to provide dry conditions for both the use and preservation of BBO'.
However this later document [N4] from Inrad states: 'BBO is moderately hygroscopic, so unprotected
polished surfaces are susceptible to fogging over in most laboratory situations'.
N5 Inrad PBC series of BBO Pockels cells comparing ringing with other chemistries, 26-Apr-00
N6 Inrad PCB series of BBO Pockels cells, 12-Oct-12
N7 Fast Switching Pockels Cell Driver for SLR Laser System, J.Kölbl, M.Fröschl, A.Seedsman, Y.Gao,
M.Dawson, 04-Jun-09. Pockels cells are high-voltage controlled wave plates.
N8 Electronics magazine 18-Oct-65
Page 91: article on Beckman & Whitley passive Q-switches for ruby lasers
N9 Laser sources UK harmonic crystals page with phase φ and angle θ specified
N10 Properties of LBO Single Crystal, United Crystals website:
'The phase matching angle for Nd:YAG laser system at maximum deff [sp?] under room temperature is as
follows: (phase) φ = 0° and (angle) θ = 11.4° for Type I, φ = 90° and θ = 69.1° for Type II.'
N11 This webpage has a big LBO table with angle vs nm
N12 This webpage has a big BBO table with angle vs nm
N13 Very informative Asian manufacturer's page on pockels cells
N14 Study of KTiOPO4 Gray-Tracking at 1064, 532 & 355nm, B.Boulangera, M.Fejer. E.Ginzton,
Stanford University; R.Blachman & P.Bordui, Crystal Technology, American Institute of Physics,
'All observed gray-tracks were reversible', 23-Aug-94
N15 Principles of Nonlinear Optical Crystals - Conversion Efficiency, Red Optronics website
A good introduction to the main criteria for NLO selection by matching laser & NLO parameters
'Note that even if the nominal intensity is below the nominal damage threshold, there may be
problems due to fluctuations of the beam power or local intensity (e.g., if a beam profile has
"hot spots"), or due to isolated defects in a crystal, which are more sensitive than the
regular crystal material.'
N16 FastPulse pockels cells and drivers - very informative app notes
N17 Pockels Cell Primer, R.Goldstein, Laser Focus magazine, 15-Oct-09
N18 FastPulse user guide to pockels cell drivers etc, 03-Aug-09
N19 Développements et Nouveaux Concepts pour les Lasers Solides Ultraviolets, thesis, L.Deyra,
Institut d’Optique Graduate School, France, NNT 2014IOTA0007, 04-Nov-14
English: New concepts and developments for ultraviolet solid state lasers,
P.50, Fig.II-15, table extensively compares NLO properties; P.47 'polishing quality of crystal
surfaces strongly influences on degradation of LBO crystals used in frequency conversion to UV',
recommends CLBO instead of LBO.
Original French: https://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01080188/document
N20 Materials science: China's crystal cache. A Chinese laboratory is the only source of a valuable
crystal (KBBF). David Cyranoski investigates why it won't share its supplies.
Nature 457, 953-955 (2009), doi:10.1038/457953a, 18-Feb-09
The USA has also been working on it since 2010, also investigating RBBF:
N21 Simple, High-Performance Type II b-BaB2O4 Optical Parametric Oscillator,
S.Wu, G.Blake, Z.Sun, J.Ling, Cal Inst Tech, Applied Optics Vol. 36, No. 24, 20-Aug-97
Describes a wide band variable OPO utilsing two BBO OPOs in series, spanning 410-2500nm in total.
N22 Mixed Type I and II BBO OPO Pumped at 355nm Provides Good Beam Quality, Bandwidth, and Efficiency,
S.Wu, G.Blake, V.Kapinus, Proc. SPIE 5337, Nonlinear Frequency Generation & Conversion: Materials,
Describes a combined Type I + Type II OPO utilising the same design as [N21].
Devices, & Applications III, doi: 10.1117/12.547976, 14-Jun-04
N23 Tunable Lasers Handbook, F.Duarte, ISBN 0824789288, 9780824789282, CRC Press, 1995,
Page 31, BBO: 'Note that the free-running gain bandwidth of an OPO increases as the
degeneracy point (in this case 710nm) is approached.'
N24 OPO Material Comparison, thesis, G.Robertson, University of St.Andrews, 1993,
P.78: OPO alignment; a comprehensive discussion of OPO designs
N25 Development of a 5 kHz solid-state 193nm actinic light source for photomask metrology and review,
A.Merriam, J.Jacob, Actinix, 2521-D S. Rodeo Gulch Road, Soquel, CA, USA 950, C07-Oct-04
This paper describes a SFM of 266nm 12ns + 708.6nm 10ns = 193.4nm 6ns:
'We have developed a 5kHz 193nm laser source that generates a near-diffraction-limited TEM00 beam with 35mW average power. The conversion efficiency and stability are both significantly enhanced by cooling the BBO sum-frequency mixing crystal.' But they make no mention of temperature.
N26 BBO specs (e.g. transparency 189nm-3500nm / phase matching 189nm - 1750nm)
N27 Quantum Technology datasheets library, datasheet 707, D*CDA NLO Properties, Sep 1991.
Link to all datasheets:
N28 Spectra Physics Quanta-Ray MOPO FDO-970 users manual, Jan 1996
'The FDO-970 optical parametric oscillator frequency doubler (FDO) is designed for use with the
Quanta-Ray MOPO-710 or 730 optical parametric oscillator and will increase its tunable radiation
range to include the region from 440 to approximately 220 nm.'
Page 17, Fig.1-5 depicts the degeneracy point for BBO NLO.
This contains a dual BBO tuning stage.
N29 Spectra Physics Quanta-Ray MOPO-HF users manual, 267A Rev C, Aug 2002
The Quanta-Ray MOPO-HF increases the Quanta-Ray MOPO-710 or 730 optical parametric oscillator
tunable radiation range to include the region from 450nm to 1700nm.
This unit contains a triple BBO tuning stage
N30 Tunable Optical Parametric Oscillators, E.Harris,s, DEc 1969,
Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 57, No. 12, December 1969, p. 2096-2113
N31 Castech NLO Crystals catalogue 1406 M19-Dec-18
Page 9 Figs 3,4 depict Types I,II BBO OPO tuning curves illustrating the degeneracy point.
The Castech download page has the latest docs.
N32 Comparative Study Between Extracavity and Intracavity Frequency-Doubled Laser at 532 nm:
Application for the Deep Ultraviolet Generation at 266nm,
Y.Huang, C.Tang, C.Cho, K.Su, Y.Chen, Quantum electronics, Vol. 21, No. 1, Jan/Feb 2015
'...output power and pulse energy at 532nm for I-SHG are generally higher than with E-SHG
due to the increased interaction length of the fundamental beam through the NLO.
However the high finesse of the laser cavity and the over-coupling effect with the I-SHG led to
a wider Q-switched pulse accompanied with a long tail, which significantly reduced peak power at
532nm...E-SHG is more beneficial for generating 266nm laser via the E-FHG process than I-SHG
due to considerably higher peak power at 532nm'
N33 Applications of High Average Power Nonlinear Optics,
S.Velsko, W.Krupke, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 05-Feb-96
Table 2 on page 10 compares 2HG power characteristics of KDP, KD*P, BBO, LBO at that time.
Table 3 on page 11 compares 4HG power characteristics of KD*P, BBO at that time.
O1 Excellent explanation of laser properties and operation
O2 Laser classes I, II, III, IV, defined
O3 Solid-State Lasers - A Graduate Text, W.Koechner & M.Bass, 2003
O4 Solid State Lasers and Applications, B.Thompson, 2007
O5 An excellent reference book: Handbook of Lasers, M.Weber, University of California, 2001
O6 Supersonic Metal Plasma Impact on a Surface: An Optical Investigation of the Pre-Surface Region,
P.Ni, A.Anders, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California December 15, 2009.
Page 3: '...moderately-high-resolving spectrometer (PCM-420 by Telemark,
spectral range 350nm to 1050nm, ~0.05nm)'.
O7 Handbook of Solid State Lasers - Materials, Systems & Applications,
Chapter 9: Powering solid-state lasers, C.Hardy, Kigre, 10-Jun-13
O8 UV Absorption and Excitation Spectrum of Ruby and Sapphire,
E.Loh, J.Chem.Phys. 44, 1940-1945 (1966)
O9 German amateur website with sections for physics, chemistry and electronics
Laser section (was here: www.pulslaser.de)
010 Display the colour of any wavelength from 380nm to 700nm (above this is beyond the human eye)
O11 Youtube based site of experimental lasers built by UK amateur scientist
O12 Evaluation and Design of a Solid-State 193nm OPO-Nd:YAG Laser Ablation System, I.Horna, D.Gunther,
M.Guillong, Spectrochimica Acta Part B Atomic Spectroscopy 58(10):1837-1846, Oct 2003 (CC)
O13 A good explanation of Q-switching is given here
O14 Performance of a Diode-Pumped Laser Repetitively Q-Switched with a Mechanical Shutter
US Navy military article 05-May-94
O15 TEA lasers explained
O16 CrTmHo:YAG (Chromium,Thulium,Holmium) lasing material, fundamental 2080nm
O17 Design and optimisation of ruby lasers in the USSR, Y.Ksander, May 1970
O18 2µm laser sources and their possible applications - LISA laser products OHG Germany, 24-Nov-17
O19 CORD laser course
Module 3-4, Pulsed Laser Flashlamps and Power Supplies
Essential PFN equations
Module 3-5, Pulsed Solid-State Laser Systems
Fig.3: Output energy versus output coupler reflectivity for a typical ruby laser (graph)
O20 High Power Continuous-Wave Alexandrite Laser with Green Pump, S.Ghanbari, A.Major
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba, Canada, 21-May-14
This paper managed to get 2.6W at 755nm, tunable to 85nm, out of a 7mm x 3mm dia Alexandrite rod
pumped by an 11W 532nm TEM00 source focused to 44µm within the body of the rod.
O21 High output energy tunable alexandrite laser, S.Liu, J.Liu, L.Wang. Beijing, 31-May-07
Tunable Alexandrite peaks at 750.4nm but power at 700nm is minimal.
O22 Spectrometers explained: Spectrographs and Spectroscopy (UV/visible/IR), S.Djorgovski, M.Bolte,
PowerPoint presentation in pdf form, Ay 122a, Fall 2012, 14-Nov-12
O23 High Power Continuous-Wave Alexandrite Laser with Green Pump, S.Ghanbari, A.Major, 21-May-14
'High power operation of a continuous-wave Alexandrite laser is reported. Output power of 2.6W
at 755nm and tunability of 85nm were achieved using 11W of pump at 532nm.'
O24 High Power, Narrowband, DUV Laser Source by Frequency Mixing in CLBO,
J.Sakuma, A.Finch, Y.Ohsako, K.Deki, M.Horiguchi, T.Yokota, Y.Mori, T.Sasaki, 15-Dec-17
Ushio Research Institute of Technology Inc, Japan
This paper describes ways of producing 193nm using SFM Nd:YAG 4HG & Ti:Sapphire and alternatives.
This document can be printed to a pdf:
O25 Excellent website describing complete DIY lasers of many types, including circuits and DIY passive
Q-switches, backed up by photographs, oscillographs and excellent advice. Below, links to the main
laser page, the Q-switch page and the DIY PSU page, and finally the link he provides to a webpage
describing how to make a home made KTP crystal that works as a 2HG harmonic generator crystal!
O26 Internal Thermal Limits of Ruby Laser Performance, US NOLTR 63-52, 11-Mar-63
Page 4: 'The lower the operating temperature of the ruby the higher the efficiency of the device. '
O27 NBS Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Intensity Standard SRM-2601 pub 260-59 Aug 1978
Page 45: 'It is well known that ruby suffers damage from intense radiation [8]'
Page 47: '8. R.Wenzel, J.Halpin, F.Campbell, Report NRL-7063 (AD-704069),
Naval Res. Lab, 20-Feb-70'
O28 Mass Spectrometry Basics by C.Herbert, R.Johnstone, 26-Jun-02
'Chromium ions produce the red colour of ruby because they absorb blue/green light from white
light, leaving unabsorbed red light to be transmitted.'
O29 The Electro-Optics Handbook 2nd Edition, R.Waynant, M.Ediger, 2000
Chapter 5, Pages 183,184: tables show common excitation sources for several laser media
O30 Great source of information on laser types
O31 Construction details for a DIY 40mJ (10mJ-50mJ / 100kW-300kW) DIY TEA CO2 laser
O32 Useful manufacturer website Sintec Optronics with a host of information
O33 The typical bore diameter of a fibre optic SMA0905 termination is 128µm to 1580µm
O34 A Simple Technique for Electro-Optic Q-Switching Using a Planar Photodiode,
K.Stankov, I.Milev, Applied Optics Vol.30, No.36, 20-Dec-91 1991
A novel pockels cell driver with the potential to synchronise different lasers:
'In an experiment to synchronize the laser with another laser, a part of the radiation from a
laboratory built nitrogen laser9 was directed to the photodiode.'
035 Letter to the Editor: The Future of Optical Mapping is Bright, RE: Review on:
'Optical Imaging of Voltage and Calcium in Cardiac Cells and Tissues' by Herron, Lee, & Jalife,
American Heart Association, Inc, DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.112.270033, 2012
'...important advantages of PDAs...scan rates, dynamic range, accuracy and sensitivity.
...dynamic range of PDAs of 10^6 compared to CCDs at 10^3, or at best 10^4'.
O36 Solid State Lasers for the Laser Enthusiast, paperback, J.Gregory, 2003
IMO an expensive, incomplete book full of basic errors that gives the impression it was compiled by
an amateur enthusiast using the knowledge of professionals. The website associated with it:
http://www.americanlasertechnic.com that is supposed to offer the hardware described in its attempt
to build a motorised Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, ceased to exist long ago. Whilst much of the book is
vague with countless errors both numerical and descriptive, there are some useful details but
the author does not appear to have the same level of knowledge as his book. For instance, there is
no mention of Q-switch time so I emailed him. He said ~8ns but when I asked him what determined
this, he had no idea. He also didn't bother to get it proof-read: on page 274 he uses the
nonsensical word 'camphored' to describe a chamfer. The book is on Amazon with similar poor reviews:
O37 Oriel Instruments optics datasheets and application notes
O38 Theoretical and Experimental Studies on Molybdenum and Stainless Steel Mirrors Cleaning by High
Repetition Rate Laser Beam, A.Leontyev, A.Semerok, D.Farcage, P.Y.Thro, C.Grisolia, A.Widdowson,
P.Coad, M.Rubel and JET EFDA contributors (EFDA: Culham Science Centre, UK), 15-Nov-10
Experimental determination of laser damage thresholds for stainless steel and molybdenum:
'Conclusion: experimental single-pulse (2.3J/cm² for SS and 6.5J/cm² for Mo) and multiple-pulse
(3.1J/cm² for Mo) damage thresholds were obtained.'
O39 Gentec's range of UV to VIS image converters 25-Oct-13
O40 Phosphor Handbook, 2nd Ed., W.Yen, S.Shionoya, H.Yamamoto, 2007
Page 188: Yttrium phosphate:antimony,'YPO4:Sb3+ Excitation bands: ...177–202nm....
Emission bands: 295nm with halfwidth 46nm, and 395nm with halfwidth 143nm. Decay time: Below 1μs.'
O41 Ophir Laser Measurement Instruments catalogue and others, 2022
O42 Application of Optical Emission Diagnostics & Control Related to Semiconductor Processing,
G.Viloria, R.Savage, SC Technology Inc.,
400 / SPIE Vol. 1594 Process Module Metrology, Control, and Clustering (1991)
O43 Applications of Optical Emission Spectroscopy to Semiconductor Processing,
J.Shabushing, P.Demkoand, R.Savage, SC Technology Inc.,
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 38. 1985, Materials Research Society
O44 Applications of Optical Emission Spectroscopy in Plasma Manufacturing Systems,
G.Gifford, SPlE Vol. 1392 Advanced Techniques for integrated Circuit Processing (1990)
O45 A Non Destructive Way to Measure Betatron Mismatch at Injection,
K.Wittenburg, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron; DESY (1997)
O46 The Fastie-Ebert Spectrometer Explained:
O47 CVI Melles Griot Optics & Lasers catalogue 2014, M16-Jul-14
O48 A Giant Pulse Ruby Laser Construction and Techniques of Operation, thesis, M.Churchland,
University of British Columbia, 1967; online presence UBC_1969_A6_7 C48.pdf.
Page 6 Fig.2: ruby absorption curve with || vs T pumping, attributed to work from its Ref.6, [O49].
O49 Stimulated Optical Emission in Fluorescent Solids, II. Spectroscopy and Stimulated Emission in
Ruby', T.Maiman, R.Hoskins, J.D'Haenens, C.Assawa, V.Evtuhov, Physics Rev.123, 1151 (1961).
I believe this is the original source of ruby absorption graph Fig.2 on Page 6 of [O48]
(Theodore Maiman famously built the first ruby laser, using a small helical flashlamp)
O50 Excited State Density Distributions of H, C, C2, and CH by Spatially Resolved Optical Emission in a
Diamond Depositing DC-Arcjet Reactor, J.Luque, W.Juchmann, E.Brinkman, J.Jeffriesc,
Molecular Physics Laboratory, SRI International, Menlo Park, California 94025, 30-Sep-97
'A SC Technology Plasma Chemistry Monitor 401, consisting of a spectrograph with a gated,
intensified, photodiode array of 512 elements, is used as an optical multichannel analyzer to
obtain emission spectra simultaneously in the range from 200 to 1000nm with a 4nm bandwidth.'
O51 Excellent DIY lasers website
O52 Another good DIY lasers site
O53 Useful section from the famous Don Klipstein; visit his homepage for a wealth of interesting stuff
'General Xenon Flash and Strobe Design Guidelines...that will usually actually work!'
O54 Newport Optical Shear Plate Collimation Tester AN 25, '9.4mm thick wedge 4.4±0.88 arc sec'
Video explaining how to use one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OycvwMHD6_E
O55 MIT EE & computer science - Chapter 8 Saturable absorbers, lecture notes, 2005
O56 Another good DIY lasers site (German, but in English)
O57 Dr Mike Finnley's DIY ruby laser, 5 parts:
O58 leslaboratory Custom DPSS driver design, schematics and test waveforms for a NUBM47 UV laser diode
leslaboratory repairing and testing a Nd:YAG medical laser
2HG generation (not listed under N as it's the same person as above)
Creating NLO crystals from scratch (ditto)
O59 Spectra Physics Quanta-Ray GCR-12 -14 -16 -18 Nd:YAG lasers user manual, April 1992
Chapter 1: Great introduction to the basic properties of lasers from electrons to NLOs and beyond.
O60 Experimental Studies on High Power Diode Pumped Q-Switched Double Clad Flower Shape Co-doped
Er3+/Yb3+Fiber Laser, A.El-Sherif1, A.Harfosh, M.Hassan, Laser Photonics Research Group,
Engineering Physics Dept., MTC, Cairo, Egypt; Military Technical Institute, Cairo, Egypt.
Scitec 300CD chopper: 'by using reticule #3 [Scitec #300D10 10 slot 102mm disc], narrower pulse
width of 35ns, higher peak power of 15.5kW, higher energy per pulse of 0.5mJ and higher average
output power of 1.142W at pulse repetition rate 1kHz was investigated.'
O61 DIY Nd:YAG using flashlamps (Explosion Energy calc at 09:40, reflector design at 15:00)
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRDmIkWuhp0
Reflector design at 15:00 uses Fig 6.23 from page 230 of [O3] Solid-State Lasers: A Graduate Text
He used US automotive 'Mothers Mag & Aluminium Polish' to hand polish his custom aluminium cavity.
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC3VKAqnwIE&t=0s