4. Optical Materials
The screenshot below is from the excellent interactive Periodic Table at http://www.ptable.com
Molecular weight and assumed fractional-volume composition of dry air.
Gas Formula Molecular Weight Fractional Volume
kg/kmol %
AIR: 28.960
Argon Ar 39.948 0.00934
Methane CH4 16.043 0.000002
Carbon dioxide CO2 44.009 0.000314
Hydrogen(2 atoms) H2 2.015 0.0000005
Helium He 4.0026 0.00000524
Krypton Kr 83.798 0.00000114
Nitrogen(2 atoms) N2 28.013 0.78084
Nitrous oxide N2O 44.012 0.0000005
Neon Ne 20.1797 0.00001818
Oxygen (2 atoms) O2 31.998 0.20947
Xenon Xe 131.293 0.000000087
The following partial table was derived from: http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/gas-density-d_158.html
The above site has a wealth of information and very useful online scientific converters.
Gas Formula Molecular weight NTP Density (ρ) STP Density (ρ)
kg/kmol kg/m³ lb/ft³ kg/m³ lb/ft³
Air 28.960 1.205 0.0752 1.293 0.0806
Argon Ar 39.948 1.661 0.1037 1.7837 0.111353
Carbon dioxide CO2 44.009 1.842 0.1150 1.977 0.1234
Carbon monoxide CO 28.010 1.165 0.0727 1.250 0.0780
Helium He 4.0026 0.1664 0.01039 0.17852 0.011143
Krypton Kr 83.798 3.74
Neon Ne 20.1797 0.8999 0.056179
Nitrogen (1 atom) N 14.007 1.1651 0.0727 1.2506 0.078072
Xenon Xe 131.293 5.86
NTP ( Normal Temperature and Pressure) is defined as 20°C (293.15K, 68°F) and 1 atm
STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure) is defined as 0°C (273.15K, 32°F) and 1 atm
1 atm = 101.325 kN/m², 101.325 kPa, 14.7 psia, 0 psig, 30" Hg, 760 torr
1 lbm/ft³ = 16.018 kg/m³
1 kg/m³ = 0.0624 lbm/ft³
LiF = Lithium fluoride
Al2O3 = Sapphire (mainly corundum plus trace elements)
MgF2 = Magnesium Fluoride
CaF2 = Calcium Fluoride
NaCl = Sodium Chloride
KBr = Potassium Bromide
BaF2 = Barium Fluoride
BK = Borosilicate
FS = Fused Silica
SS = Synthetic Fused Silica (SS, SS1, SS2, SS3, UVL variants)
ZeSe = Zinc Selenide
Si = Silicon
Ge = Germanium
MgF2 High cost Birefringent material, excellent for DUV (VUV) to IR
CaF2 High cost High transmission for DUV to IR
UV FS Mid cost Excellent homogeneity low thermal expansion, high laser damage resistance
BK 7 Low cost High transmission VIS & NIR, the most common optical glass
ZnSe High cost Excellent for IR & HE IR laser due to low absorption coefficient
Pyrex High bubble content so only used for mirrors - AVOID if lens!!
Wavelength range at 80% transmission (Thorlabs/Newport/RMI/Others):
RMI - http://rmico.com/technical-notes/transmission-curves
2015 comparison prices (and graphs) = Eskma optics:
This great site also lists many materals:
CaF2 & MgF graphs
Prices from ESKMA Optics 2015:
MgF2 155nm - 7.0µm - Euro 130 1" dia x 3mm window - very hard and rugged
LiF 155nm - 6.0µm - Euro 102 1" dia x 3mm window
CaF2 155nm - 9.0µm - Euro 96 1" dia x 3mm window / Euro 75 1" xFL100mm PCX lens
UVGSFS (CVI) 175nm - 1.2µm - Melles Griot UV Grade Synthetic Fused Silica
Spectrosil 2000 175nm - 2.6µm?
SS1UVL 180nm - 2.6µm
UVFS Spectrosil 175nm - 2.1µm - tx 90% at 190nm
UVFS (Eskma) 190nm - 2.1µm - Euro 70 1" dia FL100mm PCX lens
Quartz 250nm - 2.5µm - goes down to <200nm but Tx is only 40%)
NaCl 250nm - 16.0µm - often used for FTIR spectroscopy
KBr 250nm - 26.0µm - often used for FTIR spectroscopy
BaF2 265nm - 10.0µm - Euro 109 1" dia FL100mm PCX lens
Sapphire 300nm - 6.0µm - Euro 45 1" dia x 3mm window - Hardest oxide crystal
N-BK7 380nm - 2.0µm - NB BK7 = Melles Griot material C e.g.PLCX-25.4-51.5-C-1319
Pyrex 400nm - 2.2µm
ZnSe 600nm - 16.0µm
Si 1.1µm - 6.7µm
Ge 2.0µm - 16.0µm
Antireflection coatings on FS fused silica
193nm > 2J/cm², 20ns, 20Hz
266nm, 355nm > 5J/cm², 10ns, 10Hz
1064nm, 20ns, 20Hz data:
Optical Cement > 2J/cm²
Antireflection coatings on N-SF11 > 4J/cm²
Antireflection coatings on N-BK7 >10J/cm²
Antireflection coatings on FS >15J/cm²
High reflection coatings >20J/cm²
NLO MATERIALS (a small selection)
(** = bandwith from HG Optronic 2014 catalogue)
Abbrev. Formula Type Composition
ADA - AsH6NO4 NLO Ammonium Dihydrogen Arsenate (limited to around 305nm)
ADP - NH4H2PO4 NLO Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate
AD*P - NH4D2PO4 NLO Deuterated Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate
Banana - Ba2NaNb5O15 NLO Barium Sodium Niobate
BBO - BaB2O4 NLO Beta Barium BOrate (Nd:YAG 4HG,5HG,OPO,OPA 190-3500nm**)
BiBO - BiB3O6 NLO Bismuth Barium BOrate (Nd:YAG 2HG,3HG,OPO 286-2500nm)
CBBO - CsBe2BO3F2 NLO Caesium Beryllium Fluoroborate? (DUV)
CBO - BCs3O3 NLO Caesium Borate
CDA - CsH2AsO4 NLO Caesium Dihydrogen Arsenate (Nd:YAG 1064 SHG)
CD*A - CsH2AsO4 NLO aka DCDA / D-CDA Deuterated Caesium Dihydrogen Arsenate
CLBO - CsLiB6O10 NLO Caesium Lithium BOrate (UV Nd:YAG 4HG & 5HG, SFM & OPO)
DCDA - CsH2AsO4 NLO aka CD*A / D-CDA Deuterated Caesium Dihydrogen Arsenate
D-CDA - CsH2AsO4 NLO aka CD*A / DCDA Deuterated Caesium Dihydrogen Arsenate
DKDP - KD2PO4 NLO aka KD*P Deuterated Potassium Dideuterium Phosphate
GSGG - Gd3Sc2Ga3012 Laser Chromium & Neodymium doped Gadolinium Scandium Gallium
KBBF - KBe2BO3F2 NLO Potassium Beryllium Fluoroborate (was China only [N20] US now has it )
KDA - KH2AsO4 NLO Potassium Dihydrogen Arsenate
KDP - KH2PO4 NLO Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate (VIS & IR)
KD*P - KD2PO4 NLO aka DKDP Deuterated Potassium Dideuterium Phosphate
KTA - KTiOAsO4 OPO Potassium Titanyl Arsenate (OPO IR 1083-3789nm**)
KTP - KTiOPO4 NLO Potassium Titanyl Phosphate (VIS & IR 600-4500nm**)
KB - KnBo3 Mixer Potassium Niobate (extremely temperature sensitive)
LBO - LiB3O5 NLO Lithium Triborate (VIS & IR 550-2600nm**)
LFM - HCO2LiH2O NLO Lithium Formate Monohydrate
LI - LiIO3 NLO Lithium Iodate (347nm ruby) (VIS & IR 550-1100nm)
LN - LiNbO3 QSwitch Lithium Niobate Q-Switch
Nd:LMA - Nd:LaMgAl11O Laser Neodymium-Doped Lanthanum Manganese Aluminium
Nd:LSB - Nd:LaSc3BO3.4 Laser Neodymium-Doped Lanthanum Scandium Borate
Nd:LuAG - Nd:Lu3Al5O12 Laser Neodymium-Doped Lutetium Aluminium Garnet
Nd:YAG - Nd:Y3Al5O12 Laser 1064nm Yttrium Aluminium Garnet xtal rod doped with triple ionised Nd
Nd:YLF - Nd:LiYF4 Laser 1047nm, 1053nm laser rod crystal, water soluble so lasts 1-2 years max
RBBF - RbBe2BO3F2 NLO Rubidium Beryllium Fluoroborate, more stable USA variant of KBBF [N20]
RDA - RbHâ‚‚AsOâ‚„ NLO Rubidium Dihydrogen Arsenate, used for ruby laser 694nm SHG
SBBOF - Sr3BexB1BeF NLO Strontium Beryllium Borate Fluoride (DUV)
TGG - Tb3Ga5O12 FI/FR Terbium Gallium Garnet crystal (Faraday Rotator/Isolator)
YLF - LiYF4 Laser Yttrium Lithium Fluoride (UV - IR 225-2060nm)
YVO4 - YVO4 NLO Yttrium Vanadate (e.g. 809.5nm -> 1064nm)
GaSe 3µm - 20µm
KD*P 200nm - 1600nm
KDP 350nm - 4400nm
KTP 600nm - 4500nm
LBO 550nm - 2600nm (HG) Type I
LBO 790nm - 2150nm (HG) Type II
BiBO 286nm - 2500nm
CDA 260nm - 800nm
D*CDA 260nm - 1100nm
BBO 189nm - 3500nm
CLBO 180nm - 2750nm
RBBF 170nm - ?
This information was largely taken from NLO crystal datasheets at Il Photonics, see [N2,N4]
Non-hygroscopic: KTP,
Med-hygroscopic: BBO, LBO
High-hygroscopic: CLBO, D*CDA, KDP, KD*P
Non-hygroscopic - unaffected by moisture
Med-hygroscopic - unprotected polished surfaces are susceptible to fogging over in most lab situations
High-hygroscopic - keep in a dry environment, a sealed housing is recommended
[N4] Inrad BBO_DataSheet.pdf
'BBO is moderately hygroscopic, so unprotected polished surfaces are susceptible to fogging over
in most laboratory situations.'
[N2] Crystech lbo.pdf
'Users are advised to provide dry conditions for both the use and preservation of LBO.'
[N2] Crystech clbo.pdf
'CLBO is very hygroscopic, so water absorption will occur in an uncontrolled environment.
The crystal will react with water to form additional phases, which, in turn, will result
in severe degradation of the crystal's optical properties.'
[N2] Crystech kdp.pdf
'KDP, KD*P&LiIO3 is highly hygroscopic and the coating can not be available.
Please keep it in a dry environment, and sealed housing is recommended.'
[N27] Quantum Technology D*CDA Properties, datasheet 707.pdf
'It is extremely soluble in water, about 3kg/litre at room temperature. thus it is very
hygroscopic and must be stored in a desiccator or operated in hermetically sealed cells
filled with dry nitrogen.'
KD*P Type II phase matches at room temperature with φ = 53°36'
CD*A Type I phase matches at ~100°C temperature with φ = 90°
LBO 149°C
The following figures were taken from IL photonics, see [N2]
266nm 200MW/cm² 10ns 10Hz 120MW/cm² 8ns 10Hz _ _
355nm 500MW/cm² 10ns 10Hz 400W/cm² 10ns 10Hz _ 10GW/cm² 30ps 10Hz
532nm 1000MW/cm² 10ns 50Hz 700W/cm² 10ns 10Hz 500MW/cm² 8ns 2Hz 8GW/cm² 30ps 10Hz
532nm 1000MW/cm² 10ns 50Hz 700W/cm² 10ns 10Hz 500MW/cm² 8ns 2Hz 8GW/cm² 30ps 10Hz
1064nm 1MW/cm² CW 80KW/cm² CW 300MW/cm² 30ns 10Hz 25MW/cm² 140ns 10Hz
1064nm 19GW/cm² 1.3ns 10Hz 10GW/cm² 1.3ns 10Hz 2.4GW/cm² 11ns 2Hz 6GW/cm² 1.0ns 10Hz
The following figures were encountered over time, largely without wavelength or switching characteristics, therefore take these as a general guide only.
KDP has a damage threshold of 23000 MW/cm² = 23GW @ 1064nm & 17GW/cm² @ 532nm 200ps!
KD*P has a damage threshold of 3000 MW/cm² = 3GW
KTP has a damage threshold of 1010 MW/cm² = 1GW
LBO has a damage threshold of 15000 MW/cm² = 15GW
D*CDA has a damage threshold of 350 MW/cm² = <1GW ?? (Quantum DS707)
BBO has a damage threshold of 4600 MW/cm² = 4GW hydroscopic and needs index matching fluid
CLBO has a damage threshold of ​
Taken from page 9 of [L3] (2007):
Laser Type λ Pulse Duration Energy/Pulse
CO2 Repetitive 10640.0nm 10–100µs 100mJ – 5J
CO2 Q-switched 10640.0nm 200ns 100mJ
Er:YAG Q-switched 2940.0nm 170ns 25mJ
Nd:YAG 1064.0nm 5–10ns 1 – 3J
Ruby Normal Pulse 694.3nm 200µs – 10ms 1 – 500J (Eh?)
Ruby Q-switched 694.3nm 5–30ns 1 – 50J
Ruby Picosecond Pulse 694.3nm 10ps 10mJ – 500mJ
Nd:YAG Second Harmonic 532.0nm 4–8ns 500mJ – 2J
Nd:YAG Third Harmonic 354.7nm 4–8ns 200mJ – 700mJ
N2 Laser 337.1nm 3–6ns 100mJ – 600mJ
XeCl Excimer 308.0nm 20–30ns 500mJ – 1J
Nd:YAG Fourth Harmonic 266.0nm 3–5ns 100mJ – 300mJ
KrF Excimer 248.0nm 25–35ns 500mJ – 1J
ArF Excimer 193.0nm 8–15ns 8mJ – 15mJ
Colour Formula λnm
Pink Ti:S 650-1050
Red-Green Alexandrite 700-820
Red/pink Ruby 694
Clear Nd:YV04 808,914
Purple/clear Nd:YAG 946-1064
Dark brown Cr:YAG 950-1100
Clear Yb:YAG 1031
Pink Nd:YLF 1047,1053
Yellow Nd:Ce:YAG 1064
Green Ho:YAG 2100
Green CTH:YAG 2080-2090
Pink/Red Er:YAG 2940
[O10] This website displays the colour of visible wavelengths from 380nm to 700nm
Material Formula Colour Region λnm Fluorescence
Fluorine F2 Excimer UV 157
Chromium:Sapphire RUBY x4 Cr:AlO3 UV 173.6
Argon Fluoride ArF Excimer UV 193
Krypton Chloride KrCl Excimer UV 222
Chromium:Sapphire RUBY x3 Cr:AlO3 UV 231.4
Krypton Fluoride KrF Excimer UV 248
Frequency Quadrupled Nd:YAG UV 266
Xenon Chloride XeCl Excimer UV 308
Xenon Fluoride XeF Excimer UV 315
Helium-Cadmium HeCd UV 325
Argon Ion Ar+ UV 333.6
Nitrogen N2 UV 337.1
Chromium:Sapphire RUBY x2 Cr:AlO3 UV 347.2
Krypton Ion Kr+ NUV 350.7
Xenon Fluoride XeF Excimer NUV 351
Argon Ion Ar+ NUV 351.1
Xenon Fluoride XeF Excimer NUV 353
Frequency Tripled Nd:YAG NUV 355
Krypton Ion Kr+ NUV 356.4
Argon Ion Ar+ NUV 363.8
Calcium Vapor Ion Ca+ NUV 374
Gallium Nitride GaN violet 400
Krypton Ion Kr+ violet 406.7
Krypton Ion Kr+ violet 413.1
Krypton Ion Kr+ violet 415.4
Nitrogen N2 violet 428
Strontium Vapor Ion Sr+ violet 431
Argon Ion Ar+ violet 437.1
Helium-Cadmium HeCd blue-violet 441.6
Argon Ion Ar+ blue-violet 454.5
Argon Krypton Ion ArKr+ blue-violet 457
Frequency Doubled Nd:YVO4 blue-violet 457
Krypton Ion Kr+ blue-violet 457.7
Argon Ion Ar+ blue-violet 457.9
Krypton Ion Kr+ blue 461.9
Krypton Ion Kr+ blue 463.4
Argon Ion Ar+ blue 465.8
Krypton Ion Kr+ blue 468
Argon Ion Ar+ blue 472.7
Frequency Doubled Nd:YAG blue 473
Krypton Ion Kr+ blue 476.2
Argon Ion Ar+ blue 476.5
Krypton Ion Kr+ blue 476.6
Krypton Ion Kr+ blue-green 482.5
Krypton Ion Kr+ blue-green 484.7
Argon Ion Ar+ blue-green 488
Xenon Xe blue-green 495.6
Argon Ion Ar+ blue-green 496.5
Xenon Xe blue-green 499
Argon Ion Ar+ green 501.7
Copper Vapor Cu green 510.5
Argon Ion Ar+ green 514.5
Krypton Ion Kr+ green 520.8
Xenon Ion Xe green 526
Argon Ion Ar+ green 528.7
Krypton Ion Kr+ green 530.9
Frequency Doubled Nd:YVO4 green 532
Frequency Doubled Nd:YAG green 532
Managanese Mn green 534
Xenon Ion Xe+ green 539.5
Xenon Ion Xe+ green 541
Helium-Neon HeNe green 543.5
Helium-Mercury HeHg green 567
Krypton Ion Kr+ yellow-green 568.2
Copper Vapor Cu yellow 578.2
Helium-Neon HeNe yellow 594.1
Xenon Ion Xe+ yellow 595.6
Helium-Neon HeNe orange 612
Helium-Mercury HeHg orange-red 615
Gold Vapor Au orange-red 628
Helium-Neon HeNe orange-red 632.8
Krypton Ion Kr+ red 647.1
Krypton Ion Kr+ red 657
Argon Krypton ArKr red 676
Krypton Ion Kr+ red 676.5
Krypton Ion Kr+ red 687.1
Chromium:Sapphire RUBY Cr:AlO3 red 694.3 3ms
Gallium Aluminum Arsenide GaAlAs red NIR 670-830
Lead Pb NIR 722
Krypton Ion Kr+ NIR 752.5
Krypton Ion Kr+ NIR 799.3
Alexandrite (chrysoberyl) BeAl2O4 NIR 700-820 260µs (Sam's laser says 655-815)
Gallium Arsenide GaAs NIR 840
Gallium Arsenide GaAs NIR 904
Cr:LiSAF Cr:LiSrAlF6 NIR 780-920
Titanium:Sapphire Ti3+:Al2O3 NIR 650-1050 3.2µs
Neodymium:YVO4 Nd:YV04 NIR 914
Neodymium:YAG Nd:YAG NIR 946
Chromium: YAG Cr:YAG NIR 950-1100
Ytterbium:KGW Yb:KGW NIR 1025-1045
Ytterbium:YAG Yb:YAG NIR 1031
Neodymium:YLF Nd:YLF NIR 1047
Neodymium:YLF Nd:YLF NIR 1053
Neodymium:glass Nd:glass NIR 1060
Chromium,Neodymium:GSGG Gd3Sc2Ga3012 NIR 1061
Neodymium:LSB Nd:LSB NIR 1062
Neodymium,Chromium:LSB Nd:Cr:LSB NIR 1062
Neodymium Cerium Nd:Ce:YAG NIR 1064
Neodymium:YAG Nd:YAG NIR 1064 230µs
Neodymium:YVO4 Nd:YV04 NIR 1064
Neodymium:KGW Nd:KGW NIR 1067
Argon Ion Ar+ NIR 1092.3
Helium-Neon HeNe NIR 1152.3
Iodine I NIR 1315
Neodymium:YAG Nd:YAG NIR 1318.7
Neodymium:YAG Nd:YAG NIR 1330
Yttrium Aluminum Perovskite Nd:YAP / YAlO3:Nd3+ NIR 1340
Neodymium:YVO4 Nd:YV04 NIR 1342.5
Erbium:Glass Er:SiO2 NIR 1540
Thulium:YAG Tm:YAG MIR 2008-2018
Chromium,Thulium:YAG Cr,Tm:YAG MIR 2010 8.5ms
Thulium:LuAG Tm:LuAG MIR 2020-2030
Thulium,Holmium:YLF Tm,Ho:YLF MIR 2047-2059
Holmium:YLF Ho:YLF MIR 2060 16.1ms
Chromium,Thulium,Holmium: CTH YAG / Cr,Tm,Ho:YAG MIR 2080 8.5ms
Chromium,Thulium,Holmium: CTH YAG / Cr,Tm,Ho:YAG MIR 2090 8.5ms
Holmium:YAG Ho:YAG MIR 2100 7.8ms
Hydrogen Fluoride HF MIR 2700
Erbium:YAG Er:YAG MIR 2940
Helium-Neon HeNe MIR 3391
Helium-Xenon HeXe MIR 3508
Deuterium Fluoride DF MIR 3600-4200
Carbon Dioxide CO2 FIR 9600
Carbon Dioxide CO2 FIR 10640
More here:
Dye Laser Dyes and Peak Emission Wavelengths
Dye lasers can operate at a wide range of wavelengths spanning the visible spectrum and well into the IR to UV depending on the particular dye used as the lasing medium. This is a list of some commercially available laser dyes along with their Peak Emission Wavelength (PEW). Source: LambdaPhysik.
PEW-nm Dye Name
λnm Compound λnm Compound λnm Compound
330 BM-Terphenyl 491 Coumarin 6H 775 NCI
340 PTP 500 Coumarin 307 780 Methyl-DOTCI
350 TMQ 501 Coumarin 50 795 Styryl 11
357 BMQ 504 Coumarin 314 800 Rhodamine 800
359 DMQ 510 Coumarin 51 840 Styryl 9
360 Butyl-PBD 515 Coumarin 3 841 Styryl 9 (M)
364 PBD 521 Coumarin 334 863 IR 125
365 TMI 522 Coumarin 522 876 DTTCI
369 QUI 535 Coumarin 7 880 IR 144
370 PPO 536 Bril. Sulfaflavine 881 Styryl 15
372 PPF 537 Coumarin 6 885 DNTTCI
374 PQP 540 Coumarin 153 930 DDCI-4
378 BBD 552 Uranin 945 Styryl 14
380 Polyphenyl 1 553 Fluorescein 27 950 IR 132
381 Polyphenyl 2 555 Fluorol 7GA 994 Styryl 2D
386 BiBuQ 570 Rhodamine 110 1060 IR 25
390 Quinolon 390 575 Rhodamine 19
393 TBS 590 Rhodamine 6G
395 alpha-NPO 590.1 Rhodamine 6G (Perchlorate)
399 Furan 2 610 Rhodamine B
400 PBBO 610.1 Rhodamine B (Perchlorate)
409 DPS 620 Sulforhodamine B
410 Stilbene 1 640 Rhodamine 101
415 BBO 650 DCM
420 Stilbene 3 650.1 DCM-special
422 Carbostyryl 7 660 Sulforhodamine 101
423 POPOP 670 Cresyl Violet
424 Coumarin 4 675 Phenoxazone 9
425 Bis-MSB 690 Nile Blue
430 BBOT 695 Oxazine 4
435 Carbostyryl 3 700 Rhodamine 700
440 Coumarin 120 710 Pyridine 1
450 Coumarin 2 721 Oxazine 170
466 Coumarin 466 725 Oxazine 1
470 Coumarin 47 727 Oxazine 750
480 Coumarin 102 730 Pyridine 2
481 Coumarin 152A 750 Styryl 6
485 Coumarin 152 755 Styryl 8
490 Coumarin 151 771 Pyridine 4
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