7. Art
Although not photography, it seems this is a good place to put some of my other artistic creations. If I had not chosen a career in electronics, I would probably have gone for the arts instead. Having spent so much of my time building engineering projects, I spent very little time following this alternative route, and this section is tiny in comparison.
​Most of these are still life sketches with a 2H pencil, that I produced when I attended an evening art class over a few weeks. The class didn't teach me anything new; its purpose was to socialise.
Below, inset top right is a quick sketch of the actual layout of the still life presented to me; I thought it was a rather cluttered arrangement that could be improved, so re-arranged a few items:
Below left, my quick sketch reveals a fellow artist was also covering this section of the building, I thought it would look better without them in my final sketch to the right that also modifies the scene.
Right, this was a little brass man about 3" tall with a globe of the Earth on his back. The globe was a dark green colour tarnished by the grime of time and it was quite an effort to make out the body contours.
Below, each person in the class was given a small paper square of a cartoon cut from a larger scene. This was my contribution.
Below is a drawing I made of the view out to sea from the small fishing village of Gourdon, Scotland, where I stayed for a while:
My first (and only) attempt at a watercolour portrait.
Another watercolour; the Kaleidoscope of colours in the transparent perspex knobs and the stainless steel bath tap intrigued me. Despite being stainless
the green is verdigris from the copper plumbing inside.
Too busy with the main subjects, I didn't notice the perspective is reversed
on the eyes and the knobs..
Finally, some imaginary scribblings...