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Welcome to my website!


A few helpful tips:


Please click on the website top menu names for a summary of what is covered (just hovering over the menu name will reveal its sections).


Generally the site is written in top-down chronological order, therefore for each topic it's a good idea to start at its top section 1. However sections marked 'X' are incomplete with minimal content.


The References section contains all site reference material. Due to the vast amount of this and because Wix hyperlinks** cannot link directly to text, I have instead simply added blue alphanumeric references e.g. [A1]. Click on top menu name 'References' for an explanation of how to use them.


**As a workaround I recommend running two copies of the website in your browser,
one page to browse it and the other to access the References section
(it's what I do):


Note: because this site is primarily aimed at research, it is NOT optimised for mobiles.

Instead, it is optimised for a minimum PC SXGA screen size display of 1280 x 1024.





Something about me, and some of my other interests that aren't big enough to occupy a full section.

Visits since this site was created on 12/06/16

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